Part 1 || rankings

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Author's POV

There are 3 rankings in this world, the reds, the yellows, and lastly the whites. Each ranking of course is higher than the other...

Red: ultimately rare and most dangerous of all, they have super strength, telekinesis, short temper and can read another red's mind

Yellow: 2nd ranking in society, they have the ability to be invincible but not to other yellows, entitled people and can read another yellow's mind

White: most common and weakest of them all, no special power at all except to read another white's mind

The colors can block their minds anytime they want so they still have a sense of privacy at least.

Reds are very rare, it is so rare that there are some people who don't get to see a person who has a red ranking in their lifetime. Note that you are born with your ranking you do not get to choose or earn it, it is just based into the family you are born into. Yellow's are somewhat hard to find but still you are able to see them every now and then, whites of course most common and you would see them everywhere. Of course they have a choice wether to show what ranking they are in or not but the ones who want to keep it hidden have their default color, which is plain brown. These colors show by changing the color of your eyes and giving your hair colored streaks of your rankings' color.

Oh and lastly before we start this story another thing you should know, the angrier they are their color will show without their control...

Not let's get onto the story shall we? *giggles*


Ugh I hate waking up early every single day!

Y/N: "Oppa!" I shouted from outside my room trying to look for something

Mark: "what y/n!" He responded obviously annoyed at me for bothering him

Y/N: "where's my uniform!" I'm transferring to this new highschool and honestly I'm not expecting much

Mark: "look for it yourself!" He annoys me to my core but I still love him and he still loves me

Y/N: "ugh! Would you just tell me where it is!" I walked out of my room and barged into his swinging the door open with my powers

Mark: "ugh are you blind!" He raised his voice at me and I started getting angry since I was just asking a simple question

Mark's POV

Mark: "ugh are you blind!" I was getting really annoyed, can't she find it herself? It's her fault if she woke up late.

Y/N: "JUST TELL ME WHERE IT IS!" Her pupils from her eyes slowly started spreading out onto the white part turning it red and red streaks from her hair roots started coming out going down to the length of her hair

Mark: "y/n calm down, you're showing it" I gripped onto her shoulders tightly staring at her seriously. She seemed to get a sense of what's happening and slowly she closed her eyes and while they were closed her hair started turning from red to brown and when she opened her eyes I could see the color red fade away before her eyes were turned to fully brown.

Y/N: "sorry oppa, I'm just really stressed and it's so hard to hide our color. I mean everyone keeps mocking us since they think we're afraid to show it" she looked down and sighed

Mark: "I know it's hard but you know that if they find out our family's are all reds you know that they'd be scared of us right?" She nodded her head sadly and I kissed her forehead "go now your uniform is in the laundry room"

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