Chapter 20

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I woke up and it was still dark out but the sun was starting to rise. I went to go move and the body snuggled into my side stopped me. I looked and saw a peaceful addy sleeping. I slowly slipped out of her grip and got up. I breeze hit my body and the events of last night hit my mind. I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head. I walked over and put some clothes on then threw on a hoodie and my boots. I walked down the steps and went outside in the back. I sat down next to the graves so I can talk to my brother and real mom.

" Uh hey guys... I miss you.. I wish you were still alive so you can meet the group I'm in. There amazing people besides Murphy but the rest I have a big heart for. Especially Addy. Mom you would've loved Addy" I said starting to tear up. " she's amazing. She never lets me give up and stop believing in what I stand for. I think I love her mom.. I know you didn't like myah like that but she's not like her at all. I love you and I hope your soul is resting peacefully" I said getting up and walking back into the house.

I looked around and sat on the couch. I laid back and felt myself relax. I let out a sigh and let sleep take over.

I woke up to someone touching my face. I opened my eyes to Addy looking at me with the same look she had back at the other house.

" Hey" i said with a smile.

" hi" she said then kissed.

I kissed back. When we pulled away I looked at her with love. I stood up and wrapped my arms around her.

" how'd you sleep" I asked her.

" really good how bout you" she asked laying her head on my chest.

" I slept good but I woke up and i just went back to sleep not to long ago" i said yawning.

" someone's getting tired already" she said.

" yeah a bit" i said walking into the kitchen to see everyone.

" Hey sleepy head" Warren said.

" hey how'd did everyone sleep" I asked.

" pretty good" mostly everyone said but Murphy who was just looking at me.

" I actually had a interesting night sleeping next door From then two" he said.

Addy went red but it didnt bother me. " glad you heard everything " i said shrugging my shoulders.

He looked at me and rolled his eyes. I looked at warren and she had an eyebrow raised at me that's when I went shy.

" Anyways I was thinking I can go on a run with a few other people" i said looking around.

" I'm down to go" Vasquez said looking at me.

" okay anyone else?" i asked.

" I'm down to go" Doc said

" Okay there's a few stores near by we can try and get a few things. Let's ready up and do this now so we have the rest of the day to relax before we start moving" i said looking at the both of them.

"Okay" Vasquez said drinking his water and walking away.

I walked away also grabbing my stuff from the side of the couch and walking upstairs. I walked into my room and closed the door. I went into my drawer and put on a cleaner pair of jeans and tank top. I put a shirt on then put my vest on. I strapped it in. I attached all my weapons to me and walked out the room. I walked back downstairs to see Vasquez and doc ready.

" Okay let's go we take my brother and I old car leave them with something just in case they need to get away" i said going to the key rack and grabbing the spare key off the hook. They followed me into the garage and I pulled the the cover off the car.

" Damn kid" Doc said.

" built it from scratch kinda but my brother and I put a lot of time in this car" i said unlocking it.

We got in and I put the key in the ignition and started it up. It roared to life and I smiled. I hit a button on the inside and the garage door started to open. I put it in drive and eased out the door started closing. I looked around and pulled out and went left. I took off and had us to the gun store in 10 minutes max.

" well damn kid you could definitely drive us out of something if we needed it" Vasquez said.

" It came with a lot of practice trust me" i said shaking my head.

" well let's get in this your town kid how do we get in" Doc said walking to the front of the door to see a few Zs walking around.

" the back for sure then we can hit the grocery store to see what we can find" I said walking to the back of the store.

I see the door had the key in it and a Z crawling on the floor to us.

" mercy" I said pulling out my knife and stabbing it in the head.

I turned the lock and the door unlocked and opened.

" remember there are Zs around this part of time we need to do this quietly" i mumbled pulling my machete out.

I slowly walked inside with Doc and Vasquez behind us. I seen a Z with its back turned. I stabbed it in the head and slowly dragged it and laid it down. I took my machete out of it and we walked to the next to one. Once we took out all the Zs we started searching the store. I found a few clips and few stray bullets but that was it.

" well at least we have a bit of ammo" Doc said.

" Yeah but not enough for everyone" Vasquez said.

" Yeah well at least we have ammo to save our asses while we're out here" i said reloading my gun.

" yeah well lets head to that grocery store you was talking about" Vasquez said walking out the front of the door.

She headed out with him and jumped into the car and drove off. When we got to the store it looked like world war 5 happened.

" You sure there's gonna be food here" Vasquez asked.

" dude it's my first time back since the beginning of the apocalypse I don't know we're taking chances" i said getting out.

We walked to the front and it looked like the doors still opened. We walked in and I pulled out my gun and so did Vasquez. Doc pulled out his crowbar and we started walking watching each other's back. It seemed like the store was empty for some reason. We split up and started searching for canned goods. While I was doing so I heard a yell. I ran to where I heard it to see Vasquez struggling with 2 Zs I ran over and shot one. He shot the other.

" Thanks kid" he said catching his breath. I 2 fingered saluted him and went back to my section. I found a few goods and started walking back to them.

" Um guys we need to go" doc said.

" Why" i asked then turned to see what Vasquez and him was looking at to see a horde of Zs coming our way.

They started coming through the front and we took off. We some how got split up and I ran into a room and shut the door. I pushed something against it and took a breath.I saw some windows but I would definitely have a little trouble getting out of them. I heard a engine roar to life and I heard a car drive off in the distance.

" Bruh they left me" i said looking around to see no way out.

" there's only one way out of this" i said checking my bullets and clips then my machete.

" Addy I'm sorry" I said pushing the thing out the way and flipping it over so it's giving me some leverage against the Zs. The door started to break and I cocked my gun.

" Bring it on" i said as the door opened up.

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