Chapter 2

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It's been a few days since we contacted Citizen Z guy. I haven't really talked to anyone since we left that high school. I've had one conversation with Cassandra she seems pretty nice. 10k gave me some of his gears to shoot at the zombie and that made us kinda close. Him and I been taking out Zs left and right. I decided I was gonna take a break and sat down. I wanted to take a quick cat nap so I did so sitting up holding the truck.

I woke up but didn't open my eyes just yet. The truck wasn't moving. I felt someone coming near me. It wasn't anyone I trusted.I waited until they touched me to get up and maneuver whoever it was so they couldn't fight back and took my pistol out and pointed to there head. When I finally looked at who the person was. I let them go and put my gun away.

" sorry about that Mack I forgot to tell since she doesn't know you all that one so that means she doesn't trust you don't get that close to her when she's sleep" Garnett said to him.

I got up and walked to Warren who was getting another truck started."Y/n we're gonna switch cars so they don't have to ride in the open. I want you at the back of this one watching our blind spots" warren said quietly.

I nodded. I looked around to see 10k sitting in the passenger seat. I whistled and he looked at me. I pulled one of the gears out my pocket and he nodded. I looked back at warren and gave her a salute then walked to 10k to get the gears. He handed them to me and I patted his arm as a thanks. I put them in my pocket and hopped up on the back of the truck as Warren started to drive off with the other one. I hit it and doc started following her.

A few minutes into the drive. Doc slammed on the breaks. Warrens truck skid off the road to avoid a car with the Z on the hood. The bell on the back of her truck snapped of and bounced down the street killing every Z in its path.

" Damn" i whispered as I watched it go.

"The axel's broke" I heard warren yell.

" All right, everybody get into that truck" Garnett said.

10k,addy,Mack, and hopped in the back with me. I hit the top of the truck and we started moving. After a little while we stopped and I hopped out. Warren passed us each a Twinkie.

" enjoy that's the last of the food" warren said.

Murphy tried to get 10k to give his Twinkie to him because he was still hungry but 10k shoved the whole thing in his mouth. Murphy looked at me and I did the same thing.

"Selfish little bastards" he said to us. I shrugged and walked to Garnett.

"We need to split up and look for food and water" Garnett said.

Oh, if we can find a two way radio... or even like a satelite dish, I can trying contact that Citizen Z guy" addy said.

That's good. Okay, you and Mack do that. And the rest of us will look for food. Doc, you take Cassandra and 10K. Warren and I will take Murphy. Ace you watch over the group from a distance I don't want any surprises.Stay close" Garnett said.

I nodded and took off before anyone else did. I wanted memorize the flew blocks around here. Once I did I went to the first block where I seen a satellite to see doc,10k, and Cassandra. They look okay no Zs. I ran off and went to look for addy. I found her and Mack with there back turned. There were two Zs creeping on them. I pulled out a gear and put them in my slingshot and shot it. It went in the Zs skull and he dropped. I pulled out another one and aimed it at the second who was close to addy. I released it and it went into her skull and she hit the cop car they were at. Addy turned around and looked at the Zs then at me. I saluted her and she did it back. I ran off to Garnett and warren. When I got there warren was sitting inside the truck with the door open. I whistled and she looked at me and hopped out.

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