Chapter 6

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We've been driving for a few days now and nobody has said really anything. My wound is healing pretty good. The bullet passed straight through so that made the healing process a little easier because we found some needle and thread in doc bag. Addy is currently sleep on me after having some nightmares. Mack is sitting back here with us and he's just staring at us.Whatever his problem is he should get rid of it cause I got a lot of aggression that I haven't let out in years. We hit a bump and addy moved and leaned into me more.I put my arm around her giving her a little squeeze letting her know I'm still here. I saw a bike as we were driving.

I hit the truck and we stopped. I lightly shook addy.

" hey I need you to get up really quick" i said gently. She slowly got up and looked at me.

" sorry" she mumbled.

" hey your okay I want to check that bike out" i said getting out. I walked to it and bent down.

Everything seems intact. I picked it up and got on it. I kicked it and it roared to life. I started slowly creeping up the window of the truck to doc.

" you okay to drive that kid" he asked.

" yeah let's go" I said about to go when I felt someone get on the back.

I looked and saw addy.

" hey what are you doing" I asked.

" going with you" she said in a obvious tone.

" what about Mack he seems like he w-"

" I just feel safer with you lately can I just ride with you" she asked.

" not without a helmet your not" i said putting the stand down and walking back over to where I found the bike. I saw two helmets on the ground I picked up and walked to her.

" here" i said giving it to her and getting back on the bike and putting mine on.

Once I seen she put it on. We started going. After a while my side started hurting so we slowed down and stopped.

" hey you okay" she said.

" yeah it just hurts" i said getting off of the bike.

I helped addy get off the bike. I went to step back but she grabbed my face.

" are you sure your okay" she asked as we kept eye contact.

All I could do was nod.

I looked and seen the truck smoking behind us. I backed out of her touch and We walked to the truck.

" doc what's wrong with it" I asked

"Radiator" Mack said.

10k was under the car.

" Addy and I will scout up ahead. See if we can get some help" Mack said.

" We will" she said confused.

" Yeah" he said

" I don't think you should do that" i said.

"Yeah, I dunno, guys. I think we should stick together. "

"No Don't worry. We're just gonna scout ahead and circle back around and find you. I mean it's not like you're getting far in the truck. Come on, Addy" he said walking to the bike.

She looked at me and I looked at her. "Hey Mack" i said. He looked at me i took the helmet off my head and tossed it to him Then turned around to doc.

" I found the leak in the radiator hose. Taped it up a little bit, but we're not going anywhere unless we get some water in there" doc took all are waters and poured it in there.

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