Chapter 16

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" Well we've seen Amish zombies, Mormon zombies. We get Mennonite zombies, we got ourselves a trifecta" Addy said getting out the truck.

" Something must've happened here. Barn didn't look that way six months ago" Vazquez said.

"6months is like 6years apocalypse time so obviously" I said getting out next.

"Wait a minute. There's some livestock. That's a good sign" Vazquez said.

" Yeah, well we're not going in there blind. So Vasquez, you take the north fence. 10K, you go south. Addy, Y/n, and I got overwatch. Be back in twenty" Warren said.

They walked away and I helped addy get on the top of the truck then I got up next to her. We waited a little bit. We saw 10k coming back.

" we got 10k" Addy said.

" Vazquez" I asked.

" not yet" warren said hopping off the truck.

She walked to him after Cassandra stopped him and sniffed him down.

" Well?" Warren asked.

" Yeah, there's still people here. But they ran away from me" he said.

" Zombies?" Doc asked.

" The usual... Oh, there's also zombie sheep" 10k said.

" Zombie sheep? Why not?" Doc said shaking his head.

" What's all that?" I asked.

" Uh. Came out of a Z's head when I killed it. I dunno, maybe powdered brains?" He said.

I laughed and so did doc.

" Wash that crap off. Who knows what kinda zombie cooties are in there" Warren said.

" Are we goin' in or what?" Murphy asked impatient.

"Yeah, but carefully. Something about this doesn't feel right" Warren said.

" Never stopped us before" I said and addy hit the top of the truck as we got in the bed of it.

" I haven't felt right since 1973" doc said as we started driving.

We pulled off and went to the barn. We were walking around when we saw Vazquez .

"What happened to you?" Warren said.

" A few Zs. I found this" he said pulling food out his bag.

" What is it?" I asked.

" Cured ham. Maybe mutton. And for you Strawberry jam. Top five missed foods, right?" He said passing one to Addy and Warren.

"Thanks" Addy said.

" Now you're finding food? How are you always finding this stuff?" Warren questioned him.

"Well he found the key to my heart. Smoked pig" doc said.

" Why don't you have white powder on you?" I asked him.

" White powder?" He questioned.

A bunch of zombies came out of the house behind Vazquez. I pulled out my machete pushed addy back and went at the first one. I hit him with the back of it and white dust came out of him before he fell. I started coughing.

"Pull back! Pull back! Come on! Get out of there!" I heard warren yell.

I stepped out of the way and Vazquez grabbed me.

" kid you alright" he asked.

" yeah but now I'm covered in baby powder" i said wiping myself off.

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