Chapter 21

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Addy's POV

" So Addy you and Y/n" Warren asked me sipping on her cup of coffee.

" Yeah... it's different from Mack you know. Our relationship isn't just built off the apocalypse and sex. She wants to know my dreams and my past.. she wants to know the real me. And she doesn't hover over me like a dog all the time" I told her honestly.

" Well I knew y/n since this whole thing started. She's a sweet kid and I can tell you definitely have her heart"Warren said. I smiled.

" You think so" i said smiling.

" I know so" she said.

I went to go say something when we heard the car come back.

" and they're back so we will finish this conversation later" I said to Warren and she nodded.

A few mins later we heard feet rush into the house and close then door. They came into the kitchen.

" Hey guys.. Where's Y/n" I asked.

Doc looked at Vasquez and Vasquez looked at doc then back to me. I heard doc sigh.

" We were in the grocery store and then 2 had to use gunfire. We continued to keep looking for food when I saw something. I alerted everyone that we should leave but it was too late. The horde came through the front doors of the store. We got split up. I don't think she made it guys" Doc said sadly.

" And you guys left her" Warren said getting up.

" we had no choice" Vasquez said.

" You had a choice. You could've doubled back" i said upset.

" we really didn't addy. There were a lot of them" Doc said.

" I'm going back for her" I said getting up.

" Woah Addy hold on we're gonna go back as a team... we just need a plan" Warren said.

I sighed " okay what are we going to do" I asked her.

" well I was thinking th-" the front door opened then closed.

Vasquez pulled his gun out and pointed it towards the door way. We all slowly looked over the little wall and saw that it was y/n.


I left off shots in every zombies head that came through the door. I ran out of ammo eventually so I pushed my way through. I always saved this for emergency's and this is one. I pulled the grenade of my belt and pulled the pin and threw it behind me. I ran out the door and tried to run for cover when the Grenade exploded and the pressure threw me into the car. I groaned and slowly got up and went into a coughing fit. I started walking towards the way of my house. I stopped when I seen a jeep.

"It's better than walking" I said going to Hotwire it.

Once I got it started I got in and drove off. I pulled up to my house and got out to feel pain all
Over. I ignored it and walked to the house and opened and closed the door. At that moment I felt light headed. I looked around and saw Vasquez pointing his gun at me.

" Y/n" was all I heard before it went dark.

I woke up to me being in the bed with a cloth on my forehead. I sat up and took the cloth off. I seen my stomach wrapped up and my vest and all that on the floor. I stood up with a little struggle and threw my tank top back on. I walked down the steps quietly to hear talking.

" and if she doesn't wake up" Vasquez said.

" We have enough vehicles here for someone to watch over her. She's a live we're not leaving her behind" Warren said.

" I say give her a Murphy boost" Doc said.

" No my girlfriend isn't being a Cassandra 2.0" I heard Addy argue back.

" we need to take some type of precaution if she turns" Vasquez said.

I decided to make myself known by walking into the kitchen and speaking up.

" That won't be necessary Vasquez" i said holding my side.

Everyone turned and looked at me and Addy jumped up and hugged me. I let out a groan because of my side and she pulled away immediately.

" I'm sorry" she said quickly.

" it's fine don't worry about it" i said letting out a little smile.

" Kid your okay.. We had to leave y-"

" I know Doc you don't need to explain. Th grocery stores on fire anyways" i said nonchalantly going for the chips someone had.

" It's what" Warren said looking at me.

" in flames burning down with every zombie inside of it. Threw my emergency grenade in there" I said holding my side.

" well that explains the glass in your side" Vasquez said.

" glass?" I questioned.

" kid you had glass in your side. Your vest leaves a small part of you open" Vasquez said.

" Oh well I'm alive and no one is taking any precautions to do anything. Tomorrow I say we get the hell out of this town and start moving" I said looking at Warren.

" Agreed we need to start moving again" She said.

I nodded and walked to the couch and sat down. A few minutes later. Addy sat down next to me.

" I thought.... You-"

" I know I thought I was a goner but I'm still here" i said looking at her.

She brought her head up to my face and kissed me. She straddled my lap and my hands rested on her back side. She pulled away and caught her breath.

" Not right now first off your hurt and second off I'm in recovery" she said silently and I chuckled.

" That's on you for being in recovery" i said smiling.

" How Your the one that was doing it" she said mushing my chest.

" Yeah but you never told me to stop as I remember you kept telling me to keep going" i said raising my eyebrow at her.

" it felt too good" she mumbled.

" I bet it did cause you came about what-"

" shhhhhhh" she said talking over me and turning red.

" I'm just messing with you. But can we take a nap cause I'm tired" i said yawning.

" yeah" she said getting off of me and helping me stand up.

We walked to my room and closed the door. She helped me take the tank top off and. I laid down and she laid on my good side snuggled up to me.

" Addy" i said. She hummed.

" I need to ask you something" I said.

" okay what's up" she said tracing patterns on me.

" Well Addison Grace Carver I was wondering if you will officially be my girlfriend" I asked looking at her.

She paused then sat up. She straddled my waist and kissed me. When we pulled away she answered my question.

" I thought I was gonna have to ask the way it was going" she said with a hearted laugh.

I laughed too but the way she was looking at me made me stop. She had that look again. It wasn't happiness or sadness. It was something else.

" Why d-"

" I love you" she said looking at me.

I was surprised but I smiled.

" I love you too"

The one (addy x reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ