Chapter 5

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We were all in the truck driving. Addy and warren had me sit inside the truck for some reason. I've been quiet since the whole storm. Warren not wanting to come downstairs triggered something from my past to come back to the surface.

" hey guys bathroom break and stuff" Garnett said.

I realized we were stopped. Everyone got out and so did I. I was leaned against the truck waiting for everyone to go do their stuff and come back when the flashbacks came.

"Y/n let's go downstairs in the basement. All we need food,power, water, batteries, weapons" my brother said.

" what about mom she just tried eating us 20mins ago Trey if you don't remember" I said smacking the back of his head.

" yeah well we can't hide in my room forever there's no food or water" he said.

" your right... okay how we doing this big bro" I asked him.

" we make a run for it don't stop until your downstairs in the basement okay"

" got it count down" i said.

" 3,2, go" he said running out the room. I followed behind him.

We hit the corner ran down the steps. I heard something behind us but I ignored it. My brother was at the basement door waiting me to get in. I ran in and down the steps to hear the door close. I turn around to see nobody behind me.

" Trey" i said running up the steps banging on the door.

" I told my I would protect you from anything" he said as I heard the lock on the door click.

" trey please this isn't the way" i said still trying to get it open.

" I'm sorry lil sis but it is... if I don't come down here in 20mins don't come back up this way go out through the back and take the car as far as you can and survive" he said as I heard him walking away.

" Trey... Trey" I yelled sliding down the door.

I came back to myself not being able to breath. I was hyperventilating. Warren noticed something was wrong first.

" hey y/n you alright over there" she asked coming my way.

I started grabbing at the neck of my shirt. Doc heard my breathing.

" hey kid you breathing alright" he asked with concern laced in his voice.

I dropped to my knees and hands trying to catch my breath but nothing was working if anything I made it worse.

" Ace hey hey okay listen try to match my breathing in and out, in and out in....." warren said.

I tried to match it but it only made my breathing pick up because all I could focus on is my breathing. They put me on my back on the ground.

" chief what we do" doc said freaking out.

" Ace I need you to listen to my voice okay. I need you to breathe and calm down okay" addy said holding my face.

I tried it again but it didn't work. I put my hand on the side of her face and then everything went dark.

Addy POV

" warren let me try" I said crouching to y/n holding her face gently.

" Ace I need you to listen to my voice okay. I need you to breathe and calm down okay" i said to her. I seen her try and nod.

After a minute of here trying nothing worked. She put her hand on my face cupping my cheek then her eyes rolled back and she stopped wheezing.

" y/n" I said shaking her.  " no no no no" I said shaking her rapidly this time. I felt someone pull me off of her and it was Mack.

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