Chapter 7

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The car gave up a few miles back. We ran out of everything and don't have much ammunition left. 10k and I is laying flat on the ground, Cassandra is laying on the curb with doc sitting next to her and warren is sitting on the edge of a car.

" I read once you can drink your own urine but all I'm pissing is dust" doc said.

"I miss addy " i said.

" I do too kid" doc said.

" water isn't gonna just find you sitting there" Murphy said walking to warren.

" why are you so friking chipper" I asked him annoyed with his energy.

" I've been wondering that myself.. maybe it's because I can conserve my precious bodily fluids" he said showing off.

"Yeah well preserve them and jump off a cliff" i mumbled.

We heard a noise which was only getting louder. " what is that.. is it a earthquake" 10k asked.

We all were looking in the direction " more like a zombiequake" doc said getting up.

" I suggest we run for it" Murphy said trying to get warren up to get going.

We all got up with the little strength we had and ran.

" this way" warren yelled as a bunch of fast Zs chased us.

We got into a building and some guys were behind us. " don't shoot" one of them said getting in while the other got tackled by Zs. I gave him mercy and shut the door before the Zs got in. We all picked our place to where we're going to ride out this big ass horde. We were all on the verge of death when Murphy decided he was going to talk.

" That's it so your all gonna just lay down and die" he said crouching to where doc was.

"DOC" he yelled and shook him.

" Knock it off Murphy" warren said

" 2 days without water man, the human body hits the wall" Doc said tiredly.

" there must be thousands of them" Cassandra said

"Millions of them there migrating"

"Migrating where" warren asked

" south for the winter"

"Zs don't like the cold" I said.

After a few mins of talking the guy brings out something in a flask.

" hey buddy want to share that" I asked.

" it's not water" he said.

" I didn't ask pass it" i said.

I took a sip and nodded the. Handed it doc. doc was drinking it as the door started to break off.

" we got to get out of here"

" he's right" Murphy said walking away through a door.

" we gotta find some place more secure" warren says.

" what's back there" I asked.

" morgue" Murphy says.

" out of all the buildings we could of ran into we pick a morgue" i said getting up.

"Let's go" she says walking to the back as we followed.

The door in the front broke open. Murphy closed the door that was behind us with a bunch of Zs behind it.  He had some trouble but once the door was closed all the way he walked away from it.

" wonder where there all going" Murphy says

" nowhere there just Zs" the guy said.

" be glad they don't have a leader" he says

" now what" he ask walking towards warren.

" we wait them out" she says.

" we just can't stay here and wait to die" he says.

We all hear this noise.

" you hear that or am I finally on my death bed" I asked.  We all started following the noise and it's one of draws.

" I hope it's rats "Cassandra says

" not from coming from in here" 10k says.

" damn how is a guy suppose to nap with all that going on" doc said getting going to open it.

" I'll open it you pike it" he says to 10k.

" don't open the drawer just leave it alone" the guy says.

" dude just shut up" i said with a annoyed tone.

they opened the one on top. the zombie grabbed doc and he screamed. Warren shot it in the head.

" you okay" she asked him.

" yeah" he said pushing the zombie back in catching his breath. " feel free to help out next time Murphy" doc said

The gun shot attracted the Zs and they started to break down the door. Warren was in thought them opened one of the drawers and looks at us .

" this is gonna be something" I said.

"Cassandra you get in this one and 10k will go in the one above you" i said.

" I don't wanna die in here" Cassandra says

" well you ain't gonna live out here" doc says

" I know "warren says as she gets in and closes the door to the drawer.

We open the next one and it's empty. 10k Gets in that one . Doc hops into the next one. The guy hops into the one under to him.

We open one and it's empty again. I jump in and look at warren she nods and closes it.

I heard the door break open a few mins later. I closed my eyes to calm myself down when that guy we saved started yelling about fighting the Zs back he slid out of the drawer and got ate. I felt my breathing start to pick up.

" kid I hear you breathe okay. Think about what makes you happy" doc whispered to me.

I closed my eyes and thought about what makes me happy. Addy popped into my mind and I felt myself start to calm down. I ended up being able to go to sleep thinking about addy. I woke up to someone opening my drawer. I looked up to see warren.

" they're gone already" i asked getting out.

" yeah but I'm glad we all survived that storm" warren said touching my face.

" yeah but what about... addy do you think she's okay" i asked.

" addys a strong girl I'm pretty sure she's alright and she has Mack " warren said smiling at me.

" yeah she has Mack" i mumbled. As. I looked at the table that all of a sudden had food.

" where did that come from" I asked going straight for it

" Murphy found it" doc said

" well Murphy you showed us today maybe you do have a heart" i said taking a hand full of goldfish.

" I only did it to shut up docs constant complaining" he said and we all laughed.

"That is totally fair" doc said.

"Is this beef jerky?" I asked going for the bag.

" You're not taking the whole bag, are you?" Cassandra asked me.

"So ummm, can we go now? I need to go. So I need you to go. I need to go." Murphy said out of no where.

We packed up what we could and followed him.

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