Chapter 15

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We get down the hill and turn the corner and pass Murphy. I rolled my eyes. 10k takes out the zombie in head of us.

" Wisconsin cheese day parade" 10k said reading the sign

" you betcha" addy said laughing and running

" wait a minute is that cheese" doc said stopping going for the big roll of cheese.

" come on doc it's not real we gotta go puppies and kittens" warren said

" no it is real" doc said eating a piece

" come on we gotta go" i said

" hey.. hey let's go" warren said walking back.

" she's not moving" addy said as Serena is throwing up.

Warren looked around then stared at the cheese"I got an idea out of my way doc I need that cheese" warren said.

" aw warren come on can't a man eat a giant cheese wheel in Piece" he said.

"No but Remember Philly... you thinking what I'm thinking"

" no no no" Murphy said.

" yes yes yes yes" addy said running to help warren.

" what happened in Philly" Vasquez asked.

" you'll see" I said.

They moved the block holding it and they pushed it down the hill.

" damnn" Vasquez said.

" how far do you think it'll go" 10k asked

" awhile it's all down hill from here to the Mississippi River. Now it's time to go if anybody ask"

" we were no where near Wisconsin" we all said running.

A little farther down the street we found a truck that looks pretty much put together. I warren got wired it and we all jumped in the car. 10k and I sat in the trunk.

We went off road because to many zombies and vehicles blocking the way on the main road so now we're on the dirts. Doc was singing a song about the cheese.

" warren we need to stop" Addy said and we did. She got Serena out the car and she started throwing up.

"Well aren't you gonna at least talk to her?" Doc asked.

" Come on, Murphy. She don't bite" i said.

" We all know that's not true" Murphy said looking at us in disbelief.

She turned around and waved at Murphy then started throwing up again.

Addy walked over to us and looked at Murphy. "She wants you" she said.

" So?" Murphy said not caring.

" So she says that talking to you makes her feel better and that she can't get in the car unless you make her feel better" Addy explained.

" No" Murphy said being stubborn.

" Murphy" Warren said.

"What?" He said

Warren shook her head at him and nodded toward Serena. He sighed and walked towards her.

"Play nice" doc said and I chuckled.

Addy walked next to me and put her head on my shoulder.

" you okay beautiful" I asked kissing the top of her head.

" yeah just tired" she said.

" how about next stop we take a nap" i said looking at her. She walked in front of me.

" sounds good but first" she said pulling my face down to meet her lips. It was nice and slow. I put my hands on her hips and gripped them. She was in the middle of deepening the kiss when warren called her she pulled away. I let out a shaky breath. She pecked my lips and walked over to warren and Murphy walked passed me I decided to check on Serena to calm myself.

" How we doing back here?" I asked her.

" Actually do you have anything to eat? I am starving" she said. I looked at the vomit on the ground and back at her again. I was about to say something when bullets started flying. I ran around the other side of the car. The gun fire continued.

" Got 'em" 10k said looking through his scope.

" What do you see?" Warren said.

" Couple of guys in hunting caps. One seriously pissed off looking girl with..." the bullets started rolling in. " She's got my same gun" 10k finished.

" Well why's she shooting at us?" Doc asked.

" I dunno. Maybe it has something to do with this nice Zero ride we got. Can't imagine our Mexican friends are too popular around here" Vasquez said as more gunfire came at us.

10k loaded his gun and pointed at them a shot a bullet" Winged one" he said.

"Okay, I'm thinking 10K and Addy, you guys lay down some cover fire. And then we'll flank them around..." warren didn't even get to finish what she was saying.

We heard a AR going " You dirt eating bastards! You filthy goat loving whores! There is a baby on board here! A mother loving baby! I am going to rip off your arms and saw off your head!" We all slowly peaked above the car to see Serena.

"Yeah. That's what I thought. People are so rude" she said

" I'm starting to like this girl" doc said.

" Yeah" Murphy said.

"I think it's time for a new vehicle" warren said.

We walked to there truck and got in it. I sat next to addy and she rested her head on me.

" get some rest I'll wake you when it's time do something" I said.

The one (addy x reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora