Around 5:30 I called her.

"Hello." She said.

"Hello. How are you?"

"I am fine."

"By what time should I come home?" I asked.

"Whenever you feel like."

"Don't you want to break your fast moment you see the moon?"
"5-10 minutes here or there doesn't really matter. Come home if you want to or else don't."

"I am not coming home till you ask me to come home."

"Okay than keep waiting for my call. Bye." She said and disconnected the call.

Once moon was seen I got couple of calls from Mom and Chachi but not a single call from Kiara. Finally I gave up and went to home.

Mom and Kiara were talking in living room. Kiara had worn beautiful red and yellow lehenga.

"I am going to have serious word with your father regarding your work timings." Mom said.

"Mom it was last minute meeting. Sorry it won't happen again." I said.

"Kiara you have given him lots of freedom have some sort of control over him or he is fooling you with his cute expression."

"He had informed me that he was going to be late."

"Now both of you go and watch the moon and break the fast. I will ask savita to heat food for all of us."

"What everyone has not eaten anything?" I asked.

"Yes to have family dinner."

We went upstairs. She did all the rituals and moon. She looked at me.

"What?" I asked.


"Oh I forgot." She drank water and ate sweet from my hand. I gave her gift.

"Thank you." She said and went to the room and kept the gift and we went downstairs.

"You liked the gift?" I asked.

"Yes It was amazing."

We all had dinner together. Variety of food item was there on the table.

"Did he gift you something?" Tanya asked.

"Yes he did."

"What did he gift you?"

"Cute gold bracelet."

"Wow thats cool."

We had food and went back to our room.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I am feeling good."

"You look amazing in this outfit."

"Thank you."

She went inside to change her clothes. I went to check if she has opened her gift or not. What I saw actually surprised me. She had not opened a single gift which I gave to her. She arranged everything at the bottom of the cupboard.

I closed the door and went back. She came out and than went on sofa. I changed my clothes. When I was back I saw her playing games on her ipad.

"Hey what happened to the ipad which I gave you ?" I asked.

"What happened?"

"Color is different one which I had gifted you was silver this one is black one."

"Samar has gifted me this one."

"I have never seen you wearing any of the jewellery which I gifted you."

"They are for your wife. I have kept it safe for them."

"Ohh and what's your relationship with me?"

"You are stranger to me."

"Keep them safe with you. The day you become my wife you got to wear it." She went to sofa to sleep.


Kiara's today's outfit

Kiara's today's outfit

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