He grinned and took a sip of his wine. "I figured you'd like it. It's a great way to celebrate the end of finals week."

I smiled and we rose our glasses for a cheer.

I took a small sip of my wine and took another bite of my dessert.

"Congrats by the way on the writing competition. I knew you'd win that."

"Thanks. Really?" I said slightly surprised. "The class had pretty hard competition. I didn't think it would be me because I wrote a silly love story."

"I read the synopsis. It wasn't stupid. It sounded really deep."

I stopped eating and placed my fork on the plate. "What do you mean you read the synopsis?"

"It's online." He clarified. "If you go to the school's website and the English section, it's on the main page. There's only a little paragraph that gives you an idea about what the story-"

I couldn't hear anything he was saying because my mind was spiraling. Why didn't I know this?

I may have missed an email or two this week because of finals but I feel like I should have known this. I knew the book wouldn't be out till sometime early next year but I didn't know they were putting a preview of it online.

I had to check my email later.

"You okay?"

I blinked and focused back on his face. "I'm sorry. I just forgot they put it online already." I lied.

"You must be so excited."

"Mhmm." I bit down on my lip and smiled lightly.

"So be honest with me. We're you surprised that I invited you out." He said. A shy smile spread on his face.

"A little. I haven't seen you since last school year so..." My voice trailed off as I looked at the front door.

The door opened and Sean and Will walked in.

Oh, God.

I dropped the fork from my hand and it slipped beneath the booth.

"Sorry." I quickly ducked underneath the table and reached for it. "It's really dark down here. I'm still looking." I said lying.

I couldn't stay down here all night. This is not what I needed right now.

"You okay?" Spencer asked.

"Yep, just....looking for that stupid fork." I lied.

I could see Will and Sean's feet from here. I watched as they moved from the register and my heart nearly stopped as they moved towards our table.

Why were they coming this way?

I heard them getting closer and I closed my eyes tightly. I needed to think of something fast.


"Hey, Spencer." I heard Sean say. I looked at Sean's feet and covered my hand with my mouth.

"Hey guys."

"I forgot to ask you earlier but you're coming down to Florida, right?"Sean asked. "You're the only person I know that gets my good angles in photos."

Spencer laughed and Will scoffed. "Your big ass head really sticks out you know." Will teased.

"Yeah. I'll be in Florida man. I'm looking forward to it. It's looking like Buckeyes might pull another victory."

I heard a smack and Will grumbled. "If this guy's head stays focused then we're solid," Sean said with a laugh.

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