The Trap

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  Carla didn't leave Nate's side for the next two days. Luke was right, the bullets missed all his vital organs and the doctor assured Carla and Natasha that Nate would make a full recovery. Natasha came every hour for progress reports.

  "Do you need anything?" Luke asked when he checked on her, which he did frequently, to make sure she resting and eating. Carla's heart was so full of gratitude for his fast action, the doctor confirmed the vampire's actions had saved Nate's life. She extended her arms towards him and he kneeled at her feet. Carla kissed him. Feeling slightly guilty as desire stirred inside her while she was sitting in bed with an injured Nate. An injury she was responsible for.

  "Thank you." Carla whispered, against Luke's lips. "For saving him."

  "I didn't do it for him." Luke replied, holding her beautiful face in his big strong hands.

  "Now we can both say he's been inside us." Nate said in a croaky voice beside them, giving Carla a cheeky smile. Carla was so happy, she planted soft kisses all over his face. Even Luke smiled, genuinely glad the merman was back to his annoying self. Sensing her twins recovery, Natasha burst into the room, with Amazon close behind. She went to her
brother and kissed his outstretched hand.

  "You didn't accidentally kill anyone did you Tash?" Nate asked with a laugh then groaned in pain.

  "That will teach you to make fun of your sister's devotion." Amazon said, laughing from the doorway.

  "I'll leave you all alone." Luke said and turned to leave.

  "Stay," Carla and Nate said at the same time. The vampire gave Carla a half smile and sat stiffly on the sofa across for her.

  "Why did that girl shoot Nate?" Natasha asked, her aqua blue eyes filled with hatred.

  "That's how Aria works. First she kills everyone you love." Amazon said grimly.

  "She was trying to kill Carla, she shot me out of panic, because I saw her face..." Nate said. Luke nodded.

  "Aria thinks Carla is vulnerable because she hasn't ascended." Luke said, looking into Carla's face. "Aria knows hurting you... is the only way she can hurt me."

  "She's wants to kill you?" Carla asked, aghast. Luke nodded.

  "What is it with you and murderous women? That's two in two days..." Nate groaned again.

  "Three." Carla corrected. "We need to have a team meeting."

  Later in the conference room, Carla watched as Luke helped the injured Nate to his seat. Nate shirtless, his shoulder and chest bandaged up, his good arm over Luke's shoulder. Carla's body did somersaults knowing she was responsible.

  "Good to see you back on your feet Buddy. Chicks dig scars." Slade said with a wink and a laugh.

  Nate laughed then groaned in pain. Carla waited for everyone to take their seat then stared into each of their eyes, using her heightened instincts to make certain they were all loyal. When she was convinced she could trust them, she began.

  "Sasha is working with Deveraux and Smith." She said the moment she had everyone's attention.

  "That's impossible, she's loyal to the vampire." Slade said standing up.

  "She's in love with Taylor. Or he's brainwashed her into believing she is, either way, she's with them now."

  "How can you be certain?" Simon asked.

  "I saw them together. In a vision of the future." Slade sat down with a thud. Everyone apart from Luke and Nate looked dumbfounded. Simon's mouth was wide open.

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