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  Carla was shown to her sleeping quarters by a steward after breakfast. She admired the large luxury room. Opening the closet to reveal an entire wardrobe filled with clothes in her size. This operation was certainly bankrolled by powerful people, she thought, while admiring the designer labels. She lay on the large bed and closed her eyes, thinking about her sister again.

Carla hoped Katy remembered to feed Milo, confident the Organization would keep their word and protect her. Carla smiled remembering Katy's reaction when she'd announced she had been head hunted for a job by one of London's top law firms and they were flying her to London, on an all expenses paid trip, for a month's trial. The younger Reed was aghast at the idea that she had to cook and clean for herself for the first time in her life, but happy her big sis was being considered for the prestigious job.

  A job which turned out to be a sham, Carla thought with a frown.

Was her job with the law firm back at home an elaborate hoax too? Was it a way for the Organization to keep an eye on her? This train of thought was reaping rattling Carla. Such an elaborate set up, years in the making, and to what end?

  She suddenly realised she was overthinking because hadn't slept and was exhausted, so she closed her eyes and eventually drifted off to sleep.

A few hours later she was awoken by his presence in her stateroom. She pretended to be asleep as he approached her in total silence. She decided she liked his scent. It was strong and unique, like him. She had never sensed someone so strongly before. He leaned over her, a low growl building in his throat. He was thirsty but in pain knowing he could not drink from her.

Carla slowly looked opened her eyes. His pupils were so dilated, his brown eyes looked black. He seemed confused when she smiled at him. Judging by his reaction, his creeping into women's bedrooms had gone undetected, until now.

"What did I taste like when you bit me in that alley?" She asked softly before he could retreat.

"They want you in the conference room." He said in a hard voice ignoring her question, before disappearing in a gust of fragrant air. Carla inhaled his scent deeply, smiling. She licked her full lips.

Moments later she joined the team in the conference room. She noticed Nate had saved her a seat in between himself and Travis. He stood and held out her chair as she sat down. Carla smiled at him from beneath her long lashes. It was almost impossible not to flirt with the handsome sea creature. Luke growled impatiently from across the mahogany table.

"Let's get this over with." He ordered in a harsh voice.

"Carla, as you may have worked out by now, we are a team. We work for the Organization. Our one and only objective is to keep our superhuman world secret from the humans. Superhumans have one enemy. Man. And that's only because they outnumber us. If humans were to discovery we share this world with them, they would hunt us all down and exterminate us. It's human nature to fear what they can not understand. And many of our kind can't protect themselves as well as we all can. So it's our job to eliminate any threat to the status quo." Simon began as the lights dimmed and the screen lowered again.

Nate took this opportunity to make his move. He leaned towards Carla and whispered into her ear.

"Welcome to the team." He said, his lips brushing her ear intentionally. Carla's eyes went to Luke's profile sitting across from her. The French vampire pretended not to hear.

She smiled at Nate and leaned away slightly, mouthing 'thank you'. The handsome young man frowned and sat back in his chair, directing his gaze to the screen. Carla noticed Luke's eyes flicker in amusement.

CARLAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora