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"TEAM MEETING IN TEN." Carla was startled awake from a terrifying dream by Slade's angry voice outside her stateroom door.

  For once, she was grateful for Slade's unorthodox method of waking her. She was dreaming she was underwater, swimming with the twins. The three of them were having fun, until a large black shadow began to chase her.

She was desperately trying to get back to the yacht, where she could see Luke on deck, beckoning her. But the black shadow grabbed her feet and was holding her under. She fought it, but it wouldn't release her, no matter how hard she kicked and struggled.

Carla lay in bed for a few minutes, until her heartbeat became normal again. She wasn't in the habit of having nightmares so this one had really shaken her.

She dressed, pondering the meaning behind Luke's starring role in the nightmare. In her dream, she knew she would be safe if she could just get to him.

  In fact, that wasn't the first dream she'd had about him. The French vampire featured heavily in her dreams ever since the night she'd first met him. She was beginning to believe he had some type of brain washing vampire power.

It was day four into their journey and she'd managed to avoid being alone with Luke again. But even now, she still wondered what would have happened if she went to him that night. If she was honest with herself, she was disappointed he had given up so easily. But also relieved he had, because she was afraid of how strongly she was attracted to him.

He seemed more broody than usual, if that was possible. But the more he brooded, and the angrier she made him, the more attracted to him she was. Carla let out a frustrated sigh and headed to the conference room.

"Carla, we need your blood." Simon announced the second she stepped inside the meeting room. She stopped mid step and stared at him.

"I'm sorry, that's never going to happen." She informed the entire team.

  She trusted these people, but she also knew how powerful a weapon her blood could be and she would never let anyone get their hands on it.

"Over my dead body."

"That can be arranged." Sasha hissed. Slade smiled in a psychotic manner. Carla clenched her tiny fists ready for a battle. Nate came from behind her and stood between her and the others.

"Over my dead body too." He announced protectively.

"And mine." His sister said, standing strong beside him. It was Luke who broke the tension by laughing. It started as a chuckle, then grew into a full blown belly laugh.

  Everyone stared at him, confused. Travis joined in the laughter and soon, so did Amazon. When he'd composed himself, Luke stood and pulled out the chair for Carla.

"Sit." He demanded in an authoritative voice she'd never heard before. "You too." He ordered the twins.

  For the first time, Carla could see how large and imposing Luke was as he stood towering over Nate who was at least six feet tall. The merman glared up at Luke for a moment, then smiled and pulled the seat out for his sister. Carla watched in awe.

  She'd just witnessed the king of predators in action, and she liked it. Really liked it. Carla took her seat, crossing her legs tightly. Beginning to hate her weak body's response to the vampire.

"Now let me make myself clear. Once and for all. No one touches her. No one." Luke's nostrils flared as he spoke, his words venomous. "I am the strongest one of all of us, and she can take me down in seconds. We did not bring her here to make threats. In fact, we all know she came willingly. So please treat her with the respect she deserves."

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