The Assasins

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  Carla lay in Nate's arms. His blood was coursing through her veins, her every sense, heightened. She'd never felt so alive. So alert. So much power. She moaned, at the memory of him between her thighs. She never intended to go all the way. She was still not even certain how it happened.

  She closed her eyes remembering biting her own fingers to stop herself from screaming in pleasure as his tongue brought her to orgasm. Then they were laying in bed, facing each other. He was smiling like a Cheshire Cat and her eyes had gone to the rapidly beating vein in his neck, where she'd bitten him days earlier.

  Carla had no idea she had been staring at it until Nate spoke.


  "Mmmm..." she replied.

  "I think you need to feed." Her eyes shot from the vein to his face, horrified she'd been caught mesmerised by the beating of that tiny vein.

  "No, I don't need to feed." She insisted, kissing his full lips. Enjoying the way his facial hair was soaked in her scent.

  "Your eyes say you do." Nate said, concern in his caring aqua eyes. "It's okay, just don't take it all." He joked. He pulled the suddenly exhausted Carla on top of himself, and held her body softly with warm, strong hands.

  Carla, felt the desire building in her again. Both sexual and a thirst she'd never felt before. She kissed Nate's neck while his hands caressed her curvy backside.

  "It's okay..." he was saying, "I want you to..." his voice was thick with the sound of desire.

  Carla was moaning, rubbing her soft body against his hard body. He placed both his hands above his head in a move that signalled his total submission and stared into her azure eyes, which were now black with thirst. His body was hers, to take what she

  She started by licking the spot where she'd bitten him the first time. Nate was moaning softly, breathing hard in anticipation. Carla closed her eyes and forced herself to only take what she so clearly needed, and sunk her fangs into Nate's neck.

  She licked and sucked softly, gently, eternally appreciative of his sacrifice. Carla swallowed his warm sweet blood, her body throbbing with desire. Nate moaned, his body hard, willing, beautiful. Carla still feeding, and lowered herself onto him. They both moaned the moment their bodies met in sweet ecstasy.

  Nate forced himself not to move, allowing Carla to move at her own pace. She stopped feeding and stared down at him. Lowering herself onto him fully and arching her back, throwing her head back as she took him all deep inside her. She moved slowly, cautiously, building speed, positioning her breasts over Nate's face.

  Nate took each breast in his mouth. He sucked, licked, bit while Carla rode him. He loved the feel of her, it was sweet agony to control himself. But he did and soon he felt her contracting, squeezing him with her insides as her orgasm built.

  Carla's pace increased, her powerful body grinding down on Nate's. She arched her back and instinctively bit down on his neck as their bodies exploded in orgasm.

  "I hate to paraphrase Simon at a time like this but, but that escalated." Nate teased afterwards. Carla enjoyed the way his velvety voice vibrated when he laughed. She also enjoyed how satiated she felt. Both body and soul.

  "How do you feel?" Carla asked, suddenly concerned she'd taken too much blood.

   "I'm amazing." Nate replied, his eyes darted suggestively at his growing erection.

  Carla was too afraid to look, imaging it looking like a murder scene down there. He took her hand and placed it between her legs. Then showed her the tiny smear of her own blood on her fingers.

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