"I'm ready to go." I state.

"I'm not the driver." Zero shrugs as he sips his brown liquor.

"Well I'm letting you know where I'll be." I reply with sass before making my way out of the club.

Once I seen the familiar face of Matteo's chauffeur I give him
a nod towards the car. He quickly makes his way towards the car and we both gets in heading to Matteo's.

Matteo was nice enough to let us
stay with him at his compound. The skyscrapers soon enough turned into nothing but land. Indicating we were near his fortress.

As we pull in, passing the security gate, I noticed the guards were scattered everywhere.

"Matteo really boosted security, huh?" I say aloud.

"There's been many threats on the Boss's Doll." The chauffeur says as we come to a stop and get out.

"The Boss's Doll?" I reiterate clearly confused, but all he does is nod and gets back in the car

I make my way passed the guards I seen earlier when Zero and I arrived. Heading into the giant home I let my my remember the route to my room.

Unfortunately Zero and I have to
share a room, since other room are getting renovated.

"That fucking bastard!" I hear a female voice shout from across the hallway.

The person from behind the door begins to bang on the door and pull at the knob. I quickly yank open the door feeling my heart rate increase.

"That bastard flipped my door." The dark hair girl that has been revealed growls.

"I know you." I state remembering her from the club hours before, "You were performing at the club."

"Yeah, you would've seen my solo, but your boss order me to be locked away like some fragile princess." She explains and I snort.

"Matteo is not my boss." I state and she smiles slightly.

"Make sense now. Anyone else who worked here would have kept me locked in." She says leaning on the wall.

"I'm Valentina, my friends call me Val or Doll Face." She says and my mind instantly clicks.

The Boss's Doll.

"You're Matteo's girl?" I ask and she sighs loudly.

"Are you some type of side bitch? If so you can have his controlling ass." She says and I can't help but laugh.

"I rather shoot my pussy before I even get near Matteo like that. He's just a friend that owes me a favor. He's helping me find a girl." I explain and she nods smiling.

"I like you. Since I'm stuck here let's go to the wine cellar, and get into Matt's good shit."

My eyebrows raise a bit hearing her nickname for Matteo. Nonetheless I follow her to the wine cellar.

"So what are you into? Whatever you want he most likely has." Valentina asks as she casually looks through the many shelves of expensive bottles.

"I'm usually a hard drinker." I day lowly as I pull out a bottle of some red wine.

My mind wanders to the first time I started drinking. I was forced the first time when I was their little red. But afterwards I kept drinking, because it made things less worse for a little while. The stronger the drink, the more numb I would be.

"It's fine, I can handle the strong drinks." She says before pulling out a no doubt expensive bottle of Jameson Whiskey.

I nod smirking as she pours us two glasses. We clink our glasses before sipping the rich drink. The cool and strong sensation hits my throat, and a nostalgic feeling consumes me.

"I don't know your name." Valentina comments and I nod noticing that detail.

"I'm Scarlett, my friends call me Scar." I state and Valentina grins.

"That's a bad ass name. I love it." She says and we both laugh.

After awhile the Jameson bottle is nearly empty. We are now cackling our asses off on the floor of the wine cellar. Valentina reminds me of Jade when she's drunk, it's rare to find Jade like this. Carefree, laughing, and smiling.

It's a rare moment for me as well. But Valentina seems to know how to pull the good out of people. Maybe that's why she's Matteo girl.

"Do you want to dance!? I love dancing!" Valentina says drunkenly before springing up.

She begins to sing and dance, "I want to take you away! Let's escape into the music!"

I help myself up and join into her performance, using the now empty bottle as a microphone.

"Please don't stop the music!" I sing along with her.

In a flash, she's dancing out the cellar singing loudly and I begin to follow her dancing.

We dance and sing through the quiet hallways, as we turn a new corner we come face to face with an amused Christian and a frustrated Matteo.

"Matt!" Valentina exclaims before giggling, "I'm in trouble." She whispers loudly to me.

"Bambola," Matteo says softly before grabbing her hand and placing it on his cheek.

I watch the pure interaction in shock. Matteo relaxes instantly to he touch, as she strokes his cheek lovingly. Matteo has never been known to be gentle.

He places his forehead against hers,"Are you done being upset with me? You know it frustrates me when you are mad." He mumbles like a sad little boy.

Valentina runs her fingers through his hair, no doubt forgetting that they weren't alone.

"Are you going to keep locking me in my room?" She asks her eyes locking with his.

"Not if your safety is at risk." Matteo states honestly.

She sighs and glances at Christian and I before looking back at Matteo.

"At least lock me in your room. My anxiety won't skyrocket their." She mumbles quietly as if it's shameful to mention her anxiety.

Matteo simply nods and wraps his arms around her, "Let's get you in the bed." He says before glancing at me.

"You too Scarlett. Next time let me know you are leaving the club. Jade will empty a whole clip in me if something happens to you in my care." Matteo explains and I roll my eyes smirking.

"I can handle myself." I state and he nods.

"I know, but still." He says before walking off with his girl in his arms bridal style.

"Let's get you to your room." Christian says as he helps me to my room.

"He loves her." I state after a moment of silence, "He looks at her like she's his guardian angel. It's unreal to see him like that, to see him submissive." I ramble on.

"She makes him different. In a good way." Christian says and I nod suddenly feeling fear creep into me.

"Christian?" I ask and his eyes find mine.

"Keep Valentina protected. If he loves her and you love your brother, protect her, Because she's going to be exposed to this wretched world. So protect her from the monsters, the ones that look like us. But make sure she knows that they're their and she knows how to protection herself. This world will break her if she doesn't have someone protecting her." I quietly explain looking down.

Memories flash in my mind, at how my life changed from studying in the library to being a man's sex slave in less than 24 hours.

"I will, I promise." Christian says and I shake my head.

"Don't promise that. Because it's going to be hard to protect her from the most scariest monster there is." I whisper as I look up at him, "The monster inside her."

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