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"baby", taehyung sighed and you involuntarily smiled. "it feels so good to call you like this again", he chuckled as you caressed his naked chest, listening to his heartbeat. "i'm never gonna get tired of calling you this. baby, baby, baby."

you laughed, a sudden feeling of euphoria fulfilling your whole body and soul. it felt just right. he made it right. everything was peaceful, the whole atmosphere, taehyung's breath, the sound of his heart pumping in your ear.

but it didn't last long.

"taehyung, i'm home and fucking starving!" you heard yoongi yelling, his footsteps loud as hell on the hallway. "where the fuck is mom? i'm not gonna eat your goddamn cherries for dinner."

you and taehyung quickly got up from his bed, searching for your clothes.

after your make out session on his couch earlier, the sadness in his eyes changed into pure lust.

you suggested "make up sex?", completely ruining the soft moment, but he breathed down your neck, "no, y/n. i'll make love to you... just... like... the... first... time..." he rasped in-between kisses.

you never heard something hotter in your life.

"fuck it, i'm just gonna make myself some food. bastards." you both heard yoongi talking to himself and burst into hysterical laughter. "i can hear you!"

• • •

(the next day)

"i'll go!" you said and jin yelled back an 'okay', probably still focusing on his league of legends game in the living room.

your parents left again and it was quite late, taehyung knew that he shouldn't have been there at this hour as someone just rang your doorbell and you wondered who it might be.

you opened the door but there was absolutely no one. you looked around, your neighborhood seemed quiet and no one was passing by at that moment.

ugh, pranks aren't funny anymore.

just before you closed the door, you noticed a medium sized red box on your doormat. you giggled, taehyung always loved to surprise you.

the box felt silky at touch. still smiling, you put it on the kitchen counter and removed the glossy ribbon. this felt expensive, you were wondering what taehyung has bought you.

it was a cake.

you recognized the patisserie logo inside the box as was the fanciest one in your city. you thought he'd eventually stop buying you food from now on, but inside it was a note too... with the same handwriting as the letters you've been finding everyday in your locker. you remembered what taehyung told you yesterday.

"i knew you would identify my handwriting so i asked namjoon to write the little notes that came along with the food. he didn't know what they were for but he wrote them anyway. i thought he could help me with that, at least."

you held your breath. kim namjoon — the stalker, the bully and the blackmailer — that kim namjoon just sent you a letter. you felt shivers down your spine and your hands were shaking as you opened it.

"dear y/n,

do you remember the first day of sixth grade? probably not, but i surely do. i wrote everything that happened in my journal that night. every single detail about your appearance, clothes, how you borrowed me a green sharpie. creepy, i know.

you never noticed me, but we talked a few times. you were always nice to me. i've always been insecure about everything that included myself, from my personality to my body. i hated myself. i never actually wanted to change my boring life, my usual routine, i thought i was happy with it. but then i met you. i was bullied my entire life and i felt hopeless, but i finally felt like i had a purpose that day. to be good for you.

just like that, my little crush on you turned into a 'guilty pleasure'. then into a proper obsession. i used to stalk you everyday, go through your instagram followers and comments, stuff like that. years passed and you still didn't notice me. when me and taehyung became friends i was finally happy with something that didn't include you. he was my only friend, we used to do everything together. but then the two of you met because of his step brother. i never told him i was in love with you so he had no idea at the time. i used to watch you guys all the time when you started dating. it was devastating indeed. then the photo thing happened. i couldn't think straight, i imagined how would it be if you sent those pictures to me instead of him and that drove me crazy. i never intended to blackmail taehyung, never in a million years, but my obsession became worse after seeing... your body. i wanted to get closer and closer to you and the circumstances simply just didn't matter to me at that time.

i am truly sorry for all the trouble i've caused you and taehyung. you two loved each other and still do. he's a good guy, y/n, if you didn't figure it out already. i hope one day someone is going to care about me like that. it was never my intention to become like this. i wrote this letter because i can't face you. i can't look you in the eyes, literally and metaphorically, the shame and absolute disgust i feel towards myself at the moment is impossible to put into words. also, your friends beat me up. and i deserved it.

i know it's too much to ask, but i hope one day you'll forgive me. or at least, wouldn't hate me anymore. i only wish you the best. always.

kim namjoon"

after you finished reading his sincere letter, tears were rolling down your cheeks. the hate and repulsion you felt towards this boy slowly turned into appreciation. he finally faced his mental illness and wanted to get better.

you were finally happy. forgiveness and compassion fulfilled your entire soul. you forgave taehyung, jungkook and namjoon in only two days and it truly made you feel like you were on cloud nine. after the mess that happened yesterday morning during lunch break, this day turned to be the best one so far.

after a hurricane always comes a rainbow, you guessed.

"y/n!" jin shouted from the living room. you quickly wiped your tears, placing the letter back in the box. "who was it?"

"kim namjoon", you said, smiling. you could finally pronounce his name out loud without throwing up right after.

"cool— wait, what?!" jin screeched. you heard him throwing his joystick away as he immediately appeared into the kitchen. "was that bastard here again? did he do something? are you okay? did you cry?"

"i'm fine, big bro. he's not a stalker anymore. we're cool", you assured him and he sighed, mumbling a 'thank god' while massaging the bridge of his nose.

"i forgave him too."



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i love joonie so much it hurts

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