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hoseok's pov

Y/N's phone just vibrated on the coffee table. fuck. fuck. fuck.

i drove her at my place as fast as i could and now she's finally asleep on the sofa in my living room. i carefully took her phone without making any noise and checked her texts. if it's jungkook being crazy and overprotective again i swear to god—

your phone

kook: Babe

Jimin told me you were upset

Do you have a free period right now?

At least that's what you said yesterday


Baby please answer me

I didn't see you at lunch either

Oh fuck

You skipped lunch again didn't you?

I'm calling an ambulance

Where are you Y/N I'm worried as fuck

I can't even call for help since I don't know where you are

I'm so dumb oh my God Y/N PLEASE PICK UP YOUR PHONE

goodness, i swear i'll kick his ass one day. what can i do? he's probably going to freak out even more and call Y/N's parents or even worse — call her brother. the only option i have left is to pretend that i'm her and assure him that i'm fine. 

how the fuck am i going to be the driest, most uninterested texter on planet earth? 

okay, hoseok. you got this.

your phone

you: jungkook

hey baby !!!!

i'm sorry

i lost my phone for a second

please don't worry

i'm fine <3 <3 <3

kook: Y/N

Thank God

I'm still in class and I freaked out so bad

I'm gonna ask for permission to go to the toilet so I can call you

you: um no

i can't pick up

i'm sorry

i love you

<3 :*  <3

kook: Wtf?

You never text emojis

Where are you?

What's going on Y/N

you: nothing

i promise i'll explain later

trust me baby <3

ugh i sent "<3" by mistake


jimin's phone

Taehyung: hey

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