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your pov

you sighed deeply. the noodles were still in your locker and you haven't even thought of touching the diet coke. it caused bad things to your tummy.

and gas. a lot of gas.

you smiled for a second despite of the fact that you were embarrassed as hell. that person who wrote the note had to mention that it was a dietetic one, probably being aware of your obsessive habit of counting calories. and the playful, indelicate note at the end about your butt...

who would it be though? jimin and hoseok were your only choices as you didn't have many friends at school since most of the girls absolutely adored gossiping a bunch of stuff because all of your acquaintances were boys. and of course, the jealousy caused by the fact that you were dating jeon jungkook: the school's presumed playboy — and he didn't break up with you after just a few days like he did with the other girls. people said a bunch of shit about you, that you blackmailed him to date you and invented other crazy, absurd rumors, but the truth was, after all, that he really cared about you. or at least that was what you liked to think.

this suddenly made you even sadder, thinking about people possibly hating on you for no reason whatsoever. it brought up a memory you were desperately trying to forget: last year, the end of 11th grade. the betrayal and the shame you felt that one blasted day left a giant mark on your heart. thank god only hoseok knew the details.

you were still staring at your locker when you felt some familiar, strong hands grabbing your waist. you immediately grinned.

"hey baby." jungkook mumbled as he placed a peck on your hair from behind. "i fucking missed you." he softly whispered in your ear, despite of his language. his warm breath on your neck, the word fucking coming out from his mouth and his throaty voice on top of everything — the prick was doing it on purpose, absolutely no doubt of that.

you turned around, facing his dazzling smile for a moment before he pressed his wet lips against yours. as you kissed him back, you felt the corners of his mouth going upwards, sign he was still smiling throughout the kiss. did he steal your cherry chapstick again? your hands made their way to his long dark locks of hair and, when he closed the tiny gap between the two of you by pressing your chests together and grabbed your butt with his massive hands, you knew it was time to stop.

after all, you were still in the school's hallway and you totally felt the envious looks of the girls watching your little show.

you stopped kissing him, taking a step back and pressing your body against the lockers. you finally made proper eye contact, looking directly into that beaming, lustful gaze he always had when you were around him.

his hair was fluffy and smelled like coconut, an intoxicating combination of shampoo and his masculine cologne filled in your nostrils. his black leather jacket was dangerously covering his biceps, accentuating his wide shoulders and muscular chest. his strong aura and the lack of food made your legs tremble.

"stop being shy. you know how much these assholes love gossip." he said lowly, placing a piece of your hair behind your ear. you loved his gentleness.

the truth was that you didn't stop because of the students constantly keeping an eye on you, but because of a certain intense glare watching your every move. it was him, you didn't even have to look his way to confirm it. you just knew.

after you and jungkook swiftly interrupted your make out session, you saw taehyung's back walking directly to his locker. that dickhead must've stared at you and your boyfriend simply being affectionate with each other this whole time. creep.

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