Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True

Start from the beginning

He tightened his grip on Defne's elbow and led her closer to the podium.

Ahtem remained standing. Putting his hands in his pockets and bowing his head to his shoulder, he gazed unblinkingly at the Chatay couple.

- Ahtem, - Hussein addressed him with malice in his voice. - Why don't you go to watch the show? Not interested?

"Yes," he answered, and his eyes swept the man from head to toe. His face took on a hard expression. "But I wonder even more what new meanness you are up to.

- Hahaha! - Chatay laughed and looked around to check whether someone heard the jeweler or not. But the guests were busy with the show and did not pay attention to the strange foursome.  - What a peculiar sense of humor you have, Ahtem.

- That's it, - he snapped and warned: - I would not advise you to weave intrigues against Sapphire. This firm is too tough for you.

- Weave intrigues? - asked Chatay mockingly. -Ugh, how ugly it is to accuse an honest businessman of such a thing.

"It's ugly to expose others and try to drown them," Ahtem retorted harshly. "But remember, I know your methods and I will be on the lookout.

He left the maliciously smiling man and walked slowly to a group of friends, among whom was his wife. Laura met him with a worried look. He smiled softly at her and kissed her forehead just above the temple.

"It is okay, my love," he whispered soothingly. - Don't worry.

- Have you spoken to the owners of Turkish gold? And upset again? - Laura closely examined the Chatay couple. - What are they doing here?

This was exactly the question Omer asked Deniz Tranba after the show. The men stood slightly apart from their wives and sipped champagne slowly. Sinan also saw Laila and was shocked. How could an employee from the Black List end up in a managerial position without recommendations? It didn't fit in his head. That he said bluntly:

- These Chatay are slippery and unscrupulous once hired Laila, - he said.

"Exactly," Omer agreed. "And I don't understand how they ended up at your presentation," he turned to Deniz.

- I have heard rumors that Chatay is too interested in Sapphire. I do not like this. I decided to take a closer look at him, - he explained.

- Have you looked closely? Omer asked.

"Yes," Deniz replied thoughtfully. - And I am sure that his thoughts are dark. We need to keep our eyes open.

"I agree," Ahtem supported him. - I should also know what he and his plastic wife are up to.

- Maybe turn to the services of a private detective? Omer suggested. "He will have more opportunities to track Chatay's movements than our chief of security.

"Good idea," Tranba said. Ahtem and Sinan also nodded in agreement.

- Then we will do so, - decided Omer.

The Iplikci returned home in the backseat of their comfortable Mercedes. Omer held Defne's hand in his and, pensively looking out the window, fingered her slim fingers. She looked at him searchingly but said nothing. She had vague anxiety inside her, and Defne wanted to talk to her husband about it. But not here with Sukru. Alone. Therefore, she was silent and patiently waited for both to be at home.

When the red door closed, separating them from the whole world, Omer kissed his wife on the forehead and led her upstairs by the hand. In the dressing room, taking off their evening attire, they finally spoke.

"Omer, I'm worried," Defne said. She kicked off her shoes and stood barefoot on the cool floor, trying to unbutton the lock of the silk dress. - These strange Chatay. So unpleasant. They also took Laila to work without recommendation. How can this be? Do serious, decent businessmen do that?

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