06 | Just an expensive load

Start from the beginning

And right now, as I stand infront of the mirror, I can feel my emotions all over the place.
They are contradicting. I don't know if I am supposed to be angry for getting married to a complete stranger at such a tender age or be happy that all future 'money problems' are solved.

"You know, you're going to meet your man, who very well might be your future husband and not a professor from your college. Atleast dress up like you're going on a date?" Ethan says, his eyes on me lingering from head to toe with a disapproving glare.

I raise a brow, "There is a costume or dress code which girls have to maintain while going on a date?"

"You have never gone on a date before, " he says folding his arms across his chest with a satisfied smirk. "So I get it why you don't know a thing about how girls should dress up on a date. But I have. So I suggest you listen to - "

"Shut up already!" I roll my eyes as I look away from the mirror.

"C'mon, C'mon O sweet sister of mine, atleast put on a bit more makeup and wear something worth looking at!" He whins jumping from my bed coming to stand beside me. "I mean, don't get me wrong, you do look...good in this, but you wear this every day Eli, you look good every day, but today is not everyday! Today you've gotta look exceptionally good. Like, really good."

I feel the anger slowly boiling inside me at this. I turn around to face him directly.

"Why?" I snap. "To please someone? Why on Earth do I need to please someone who has already sealed up and signed my future without ever seeing me?" I take a deep breath. "You're forgetting something Ethan.....all this is just my parents giving me over to someone because I have become freaking expensive with time, and they don't have the money to take my load! Do you understand that? I am just a load, an expensive load! So much so that they have to give me and my future over to a stranger!"

I know my voice raises towards the end, almost to the point that I was practically yelling. I feel the tears that gather at the corner of my eyes blurring my vision....but at this point I don't give a shit about anything else. I have bottled up my emotions for the last few days..and I knew I would have to let them out somewhere and sometime. I didn't expect it to be now, today.

Rubbing my eyes off with the back of my hand, I turn around from Ethan and resume glaring at myself in the mirror, trying to keep back the tears that are still forcing to come out.

"I-'I'm -I didn't...Oh Eli..." he stutters before putting his hands around me and hugging me firmly. "I'm so sorry." I can hear the remorse in his voice, and this angers me even more.

"Dont apologize for what's not your fault."

Before either of us can say anything more, I hear a familiar deep voice behind me.

"I'll wait outside Mrs. Davis."

Startled I turn around.
Mum is standing at the threshold with a hard look on her face and I see a flash of some clothing as it vanishes behind the door.

What was that - rather who was that? If my mind is not playing tricks and I actually did hear that male voice - than I think I know who the person is.

My heart clenches and dread clouds my mind as so many different things starts to fall in place. That night's incident, mum not reacting...

Ugh! Stop it.

I push the thoughts away forcefully and pay attention to mum.
She is staring at me with a hard look on her face.


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