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It was the end of the year. Everyone was in the great hall for the great and final feast of the year. I was seating next Draco and Blaise. I really haven't been near Blaise this year. To bad, he was really nice. We all were talking about the year, and what has happened. I told Draco all about what happened in the chamber, and with Harry and with Grinny. He was really surprised that I helped defeat my own father, to be honest I am to.

"May I have everyone's attention!"
"This year had been a great year! Now your all probably are waiting for the house cup so I will say the winners. In 4th place Ravenclaw!"

"In Third place, Hufflepuff!"
"In second Slytherin!"
"And in first GRIFFENDOR!" They whole table was cheering and happy.

While Draco was pissed.
"Griffendorr! Really!"
"It's only a cup Draco, plus we got in second place!" I said trying to cheer him up. He just rolled his eyes.

"Oh o forgot, I have some final points to give!"
"50 points to Y/n Riddle, to help defeat Tom"
My eyes went wide. I looked over to Draco who was also surprised. Smiles grew on our faces. The whole table went into cheers! Everyone was high giving me.

We won the house cup! I was so happy. Everyone was so happy. And that made me happy. After Diner, Draco was in a much better mood.

"Y/n, come to my dorm I want to give you something" Draco said as he walked away to the boys dorm.

I walked to his dorm, who was sitting on his bed with a box. He looked over and his face lit up. He walked over to me and gave me the box.

"What's this?" I said with a giggle
"Open it"
"Ok?" I said really happy.

Inside was two rings. They were sliver, with a a tiny black heart in the middle of the ring. (The hearts were craved into the ring btw)

"Oh my Draco." I said with my eyes winded
"I feel bad for asking my but what are theese for?" I said laughing as I take the ring out to observe it.

"Oh yeah there friendship rings, and promise rings"
"Promise ring?" I said
"It's like a vow when two people get married, you make a promise to always be there for another, no matter what." He smiled

"I love it!" I said slipping on the ring, and giving the other one to him.

"Ok good I thought you would think it's stupid" he said laughing
"Haha" I laughed

I saw him smiling at me, I mirrored his smile. But I couldn't help it anymore I hugged him. I never really hugged anyone. Like I have, but not a lot. We hugged for a couple of minutes, then I back away.

"Good night bestie" I nudged his arm
"Good night bestie" he said nudging me back

I couldn't help it but kiss him on the check. I pecked his check and he was blushing like crazy! I quickly walked away to my dorm and went to bed the happiest I have ever been in a long time.

(On the train)

Me and Draco had a carpment all to ourselves. We were just sitting in awkwardness. I finally pulled out my bag and grabbed a I-tune, (it plays music if you didn't know) with some headphones. I sat to Draco and plugged in the head phones.

"Here put this in your ear" I said trying to choose a song
"What is it?" Draco said putting it in his left ear
"It's head phones! It plays music but plays it so only you can hear it! Cool right" I said

"I'm guessing you stole it?" He said laughing
"No... maybe... no I'm kidding Harry gave it to me for a thank you present"
"Oh, so are you guys friends now?" He said a little sad
"I don't know, but don't worry your my only bestie" I said smiling.

I could telling him that makes him really happy. Not to brag or anything but I could tell I was his favorite person. Well maybe second, cause he told me she was, but he said I was definitely top three. I put my head on his shoulder, he put his head on top of my head.

I played some song that I thought he would like. And he did. We played music the whole train ride, and just enjoying another's company. I never wanted it to end. But sadly it had to. Everything has to come to an end.

We finally came to the train stop. We all said our good byes. When it finally came to Draco.

"Don't worry it's only for two months" I said
"I know but I will miss you." He said smirking
"Oh my god you always go to be smirking don't you" I said laughing and bringing him into a hug.

"Bye" I said leaving the hug
"Bye y/n" he said

We both walked our own ways. Until next year.

Authors note:

Hey guys so I think over Christmas break. And I didn't really like the back story. So I was thinking of a new one.

You live with your aunt. Her name will be Amelia
You guys never really meet your father.
I will make up some new characters. Like I was thinking a new boy, I'm thinking his name will be Danny. He will be in the same house as you guys. And Draco first hates him, but starts to like him. And I thinking your friend group will be You, Draco, Blaise, Danny.

But I wanted to go more into detail about you. I might make page about you. And your background. Comment if you like these ideas. I think I might change it to this. But if you don't like it then.... I don't know just comment and I will keep it. These are just thoughts there not final yet.

Hope you guys like the chapter! And the rings and the train ride.. that's cute 🥺🥺

Y/n Riddle and Draco MafloyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang