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I wake up to see I'm in the hotel bed. I look over to see it was 3:45 am. I look around me to see my wrapped up in a red and white Blanket. I see Pansy, and Daphne sleeping in the beds next to me.

I sit up and rub my head. It feels like it's 1,000 pounds. I walk out of the door, with the blanket wrapped around me.

I walk to the boys room and unlock the door, with the key. I see all the boys sleeping, in there beds. Except two beds, there were empty.

I walk father to see two figures outside, sitting at the pool.

I walk down the stairs and walk over to the pool and sit next them dipping my feet in the pool.

"Oh hey" Theo says
"Hey how are you feeling?" Draco says wrapping his arms around my shoulders

"I feel weird, my head feels like 1,000 pounds" I laugh
"Yeah you started holding your head then you fell." Draco said
"And then you started mumbling things, but nether of us understood it, and you wouldn't wake up" Theo added

"Oh" I say
"Was it another vision?" Draco asked
"A vision?" Theo asked
"Well sense first year? I would black out, and kinda have a dream. But one I've had has happened." I whisper the last part

"And what just happened was you having one?" He asked
"No, when I black out yes, but I don't know what was happening. My head was ringing, and it felt like it was going to explode" I say

"Oh I'm sorry" he said
"Yeah" I say
"Yeah she once blacked out for a couple of days" Draco added
"And then just for a couple of seconds, or minutes" he said again

"Yeah, I don't have them as often as I did, but I still have them once in a while." I say

"Like what do you see when you have them?" Theo asked

I looked up at the two. Theo was looking sad, but on the other hand Draco smirking.

"Stop smirking before I slap it off" I smirk
"Anyways, one of them was Draco-"
"Yeah she, day dreams and dreams about me" Draco interrupts me

"I will push you on the pool, we're having a cover station" I say laughing
"If you do, I will bring you down with me" he says smirking even more

"Anyways, I did see one with Draco in it-"
"What did you see?" Theo asked with just a tiny smirk

"I saw him, in class we had with Snape, him sliding his books off the table" I say
"Oh, that's not exciting" Theo says crossing his arms
"The others one tho...." I say titling my head

"You said there was no others" Draco said acting offended
"I lied, there just weird" I say
"Of me?" He said smirking again

I sat here in silence with my mouth a little open. Both of the boys smirks were growing wider.

"I take that as a yes" Draco said looking at Theo and back at me
"It's not that kinda of weird, it's just like... you wouldn't see it everyday weird" I say pushing Draco's Shoulder

"Like seeing you get pushed in a pool weird?" Draco and Theo smirked

"Yes like that." I say but soon realize what there going to do
"What no!" I shout

They both pick me up and keep swinging me back a fourth.

"1" Theo says
"2" Draco says
"3" They both shout


"I hate you both!"  a I say laughing

They both are laughing uncontrollably.

Y/n Riddle and Draco MafloyWhere stories live. Discover now