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The word murder kept running mind. Draco said just to forget about the trail and focus on the task coming up in a couple of weeks. Well he should try be accused for murder. See how hard it is!

"Ms. Riddle, what is the answer for vanishing objects?" Snape asks

I snap out of my thoughts and look up to see the whole class turned to me.

"Uh uh Evaneso" I say
"Correct, 10 points to Slytherin" Snape says

Right now I am in charms and spells with Snape. I'm in a class with Gryffindor .I'm sitting next to a  Gryffindor who seems frightened by me.

So I'm having a little fun with it. First I had to get Blaises and Draco's attention for them to have fun to. Right now I'm sitting the desk next to them. They seem to focused in the class.

I rip and paper and turn into a ball and throw it at Blaises head.

"Ow!" Blaise says as he looks towards me
"Open the ball" I mouth

As he unwraps the ball he gets Draco's attention that makes me smirk. I look back at the Gryffindor who seems to be shaking now.

-Draco's POV-

"Ow!" Blaise says and looks at Y/n
"Open the ball" she mouths

As he unwraps I see Y/n smirking at us and looks at the Gryffindor. I smirk as she what's about to do. She's going to scare the griffindor. Blaise hands me the note under the table and smirks at me.

"Watch me" it reads, a smirk also grows on my face.

We both turn our heads towards Y/n who is making sure the griffindor is watching her. She slowly takes out her wand and puts it next there leg.

Then she starts "mumbling" things. She looks at us with a smirk growing. She looks at the griffindor again and makes eye contact and "mumbles things".

They gulp and the bolt out the door screaming for there life.

Me and Blaise snort and cover our mouths to stop us laughing. I look at Y/n who's putting her wand back and makes eye contact with, then winks and pats back attention to the class.

I look back at Snape who turns around slightly smiling towards Y/n, and what's she done.

"5 points for Slytherin" Snape says and me and Blaise fist bump under the table

-Y/n's POV-

We walk out of class and catch up with Draco and Blaise.

"Hello, liked my show today?" I ask wrapping my arm Draco's waist
"Yes my darling" Draco says doing the same and wrapping his arm around my waist

"Did you see Snape! He was smiling!" Blaise says
"That's a first" Draco says and Blaise laughs
"I mean it was funny, but poor Griffindor probably thinks there going to die now!" Blaise says
"Probably" I laugh

We walk to our next class to see Harry standing outside the door.

"Hey Harry, you look like-"
"We need to talk!" He says grabbing my wrist and dragging me away
"Potter! Get back here!" Draco shouts but Harry doesn't listen

"You killed them didn't you!" Harry shouts
"I did not kill anyone-"
"You know something! Your keeping something from everyone!" Harry interrupts
"Harry. everyone has secrets" I smirk
"No, you have a bad one, you know something, but don't think I won't find out Y/n, cause I will find out what your hiding." Harry says in a warning tone

"I have no idea what your talking about. Potter" I say wiping my wrist out of his grip
"Potter! Get away from her!" Draco's shouts running towards us

"Go away Mafloy were talking!" Harry shouts
"And I think your done talking!" Draco shouts back
"Don't you think it's werid that you guys were the last ones leaving the second task, and someone gets murdered?" Harry asks Draco

"She wouldn't even hurt a fly!" Draco says stepping in front of me
"Are you sure about that Mafloy?" Harry says
"I'm sure of it" Draco glares at me
"Well I think your wrong" Harry yells
"You have no proof that she killed him Potter, Y/n was with me the whole time" Draco spits back

I smirk that we were winning the argument. Harry hesitates, and doesn't talk for a moment.

"Cat caught your tongue Potter?" I say and Draco laughs

Harry looks at Draco then me and stomps off towards Hermione and Ron that were watching the whole thing happen.

"I think the cat did get his tongue" Draco says grabbing my hand and dragging me to our next class.

We sit down next to another in History. It was quite boring I would have to say.

"I think I might fall asleep" I say then pretending to fall asleep
"Haha I mean I could to" he says putting his head down to

"The bad thing bad thing is that I love history, but he just makes it boring" I say
"I agree" he says

The class FINALLY ended and it was our last class of the day, so we walked to the great hall. I see Harry, Ron and Hermione watching me and Draco as we sit down at our table.

We grabbed our books and and smiled at another.

I looked back at Hermione, Ron and Harry all whispering among themselves.

"What do you think there talking about?" I ask
"What do you mean?" Draco asks back
"Potter" I reply opening my book
"I don't really care what there talking about" he says

"You wouldn't care if they were talking about me?" I smirk
"Well I guess?" He smirks back
"I feel offended as your girlfriend, that you don't care" I say

"You should feel offended"he says opening his book smirking
"Whatever" I roll my eyes smiling

It was a couple of days later was the third task. I was in my dorm pacing back and forth thinking about what's about to happen in the next couple of hours.

I was wearing my green sweatshirt with with my name on the back of it, and the Slytherin logo on the front.

I walk out into the common room with a huge crowd of Slytherins. As I take my final step off the stairs everyone starts clapping.

I lightly smile at everyone and walk fastly towards Draco and Daphne.

"Hey" I say
"Nervous?" Daphne asks
"Yes" I reply
"We should probably get some food for you, so you have some energy" Draco says rubbing my back

"Yes, let's go" I say grabbing his sleeve of his suit and dragging him to the Great hall.

"Y/n slow down!" He laughs as we make it to the great hall

"I don't want you hanging out with Daphne" I say
"What do you mean?" His smile fades
"She's an ass" I spat
"Why are you so angry?" He asks
"None of your business" I say sitting down
"Well it's clearly something" He sits down next to me

"Can we talk about something different please, I guess I'm just nervous" I say

We both sat there in silence. I kept thinking about what was about to happen.

Authors Note:
I'm sooo sorry I haven't updated in a week or so. I have been busy for the next chapter. And thank you for 20, 21, and 22k on the story! Thank you guys so much!

Y/n Riddle and Draco MafloyWhere stories live. Discover now