I really do

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Ivys POV
It was 15:20 pm and she and jay had stopped for coffee before driving to med. She bounced her leg up and down as a way to deal with the nerves flooding her system. Jay noticed her and put his hand on her knee to try and stop her, it was making him slightly dizzy. "Sorry" she responded at his touch. "No need to be sorry, you'll be fine, just tell him as much as you want, no ones judging" he had the correct words to say every time she felt sad or happy or scared. She nodded and they had arrived. They both hopped out the SUV and made their way into the entrance. It felt good for her to be at the hospital rather than the ER, she slowed down as they reached the psych ward. "Hey it's fine you're gonna be great" he reassured her and they headed for dr Charles' office.

Dr Charles' POV
*knock knock knock*
He got up to go answer the door, it was Ivy and to his surprise jay following right behind her. "Hey ivy, how you doing come on in. There's a waiting room down the hall jay if you want to wait there or in the cafeteria" he said clueless. "Oh, I forgot to mention that jay would be with me during my sessions, sorry doc" she cleared up the confusion. Dr Charles smiled sincerely, he was happy she had found someone caring enough to help her get better; "no problem kiddo come on in guys" he accepted the information.
Dr Charles: "so ivy id like to start by asking you how you've been coping over the last few days"
Ivy: "yeah sure, Um I think I've been okay, not feeling the greatest but okay, I think?" That was the truth she didn't really know how to feel.
Dr Charles: "that's totally understandable ivy, you're going to be on a long road of recovery and i won't lie it isn't going to be easy but it will be worth it" he looked over to jay waiting for him to add something since he could tell she wasn't telling the full truth.
Jay: "yeah I agree doc, she seems to be putting on a brave face but I can tell she gets a bit jumpy especially when it gets dark." Dr Charles smiled at the pair knowing they were a good partnership.
Dr Charles: "ivy I want to ask you, would you like to try and talk about what happened that night or do you not feel ready?" He asked the big question.
Ivys eyes turned sad, but she didn't refuse, dr Charles knew she wanted to get it off her the chest by the way she was sat, so open for help.
Ivy: "Um yeah I think I'm ready" she sighed knowing she would need some tissues.
Jay reached over to the desk and handed ivy the box of tissues so she could keep the tears at bay.
Dr Charles: "whenever you're ready..." he said to let her know she was in no rush.
They talked for at least an hour, dr Charles did nothing but listen, jay did nothing but hold her hand supportively and ivy just told the truth; he knew she left out small details here and there but she would confess those when she was ready.

Jays POV
Jay sat there in silence as he just listened, he already knew half of the story but there still some parts he didn't know. His face switched between different emotions as he adjusted his grip on Ivys hands during various times of her story. "I don't really know why they did it but I know they wanted revenge or something" she finished it at that, her eyes were puffy from crying and her cheeks were tear stained, jay felt really sorry for ivy, not only did he love her but he felt he owed protection to ivy and he was regretful he couldn't do that. "You've done amazing ivy, you've already told me more than any other survivor would've told me in two or three sessions never mind one and not to forget it being your first" he applauded ivy and told her she was going to be fine. Jay felt her hands relax and so he did too. "Thanks dr Charles I'm happy she came by today" jay said before getting up grabbing his jacket and standing up, "you hear that ivy? You've a real fan forming here" dr Charles chuckled which made Ivy giggle a little. They three stood laughing for a second before ivy said, "so same time next week", both jay and dr Charles were shocked at how eager she was to recover, "only if you want to kiddo" dr Charles reassured her no one was forcing her to do this. "I do, I really do" she said. Jay smiled at dr Charles knowing she had convinced herself that she could do this and she wasn't alone. Jay and ivy left smiling, "so the units coming over later, that was the surprise, they're fetching pizza and snacks. They're coming to check in" jay said nudging Ivys arm. Her eyes fluttered up wards to him as they were glistening under the hospital lights, "really?!" She was excited but contained herself after she realised they were on a ward full of sick patients. "Really" jay whispered before they walked off to go home.

A simple life...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora