Is she gonna make it?

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Jays POV
The ambulance was parked right outside, he was going with it and the rest of the unit would meet them at med. "GIVE THEM A CLEAR ROUTE TO MED", voight barked orders to the support units of officers who were now on scene. Jay knew voight was never affected by cases and if he was he would never show it but something about Ivys case sparked emotions in him no one had seen before. He flashed voight a weak smile before hopping in the back of the ambulance and grasping tightly yet gently onto Ivys hand. "I'm not leaving you ivy, I promise", foster was hooking her up on all sorts of machines. He looked over to foster giving her the is she going to make it stare and she just stared blankly back at him, she didn't want to promise anything because her pulse was growing weaker. Jay could feel the anger kicking in and the adrenaline wearing off, he took one look at her body and reached for his phone before calling hailey. No matter how he felt towards ivy, hailey was always going to be his partner, "any news on lukas and his clown yet?" Jay asked without wanting a negative response back from her. There was a few seconds of silence before hailey answered him, "not yet jay, they're smart criminals, we will find them jay don't stress jay I'll meet you at med" she always knew how to calm him down. Turning his attention back to ivy his smile faded...

Voights POV
As voights car showed up on scene he hopped in it with rage in his eyes, he knew he was never affected by cases but yet ivy, ivy made his emotions spiral out of control. She reminds him of Erin, from the way she had no one but herself, to her feisty attitude even in the darkest of times. She's a fighter just like Erin, he also knew jay was falling head over heels for ivy and since jay was like a son to him, although no one knew that, he felt like his duty was to protect ivy no matter how long they've only known each other for.
He let out a few huffs before 'shaking' himself back to normal and driving straight to med.

*a shorter chapter to give your minds a rest :)*

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