Front row seats

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General POV
The team had just arrived back at the district as jays monitor pinged. It was strange, it was almost as if someone knew they had just gotten back. The sight they were about to see was far from what they expected. As the team gathered round jays desk to stare at the screen, jay clicked onto the link that'd been sent to his email, *just for you pretty boy :)* was the subject attached along with live footage from an unknown location. With the team staring round at each other, jay had no other option but to click the link knowing what they were about to watch wouldn't be pretty.

Ivys POV
She was unaware of how long she was out for but when she woke up she was horrified. Her eyes flicked open as they adjusted to the light, even though there was little of it, but she couldn't make out where she was. From her quick round up and scan of her surroundings, she noticed she was sat on a very uncomfortable metal chair; not so far away from her, roughly around 10 metres away, was a camera, an old looking camera which had a flash light beaming straight at her. To her sides she could see nothing but doors and walls which were spread out right around the room. It was beyond freezing and she barely had much coverage. Above her was a uv light that casted enough light to show her entire body. She realised she wasn't going to be leaving any time soon, her eyes shot down to her legs as she tried to move them. It was no use she had around 3 zip ties tied as tightly as they could go around her ankles, her arms were next but she couldn't move them either. Her arms however only had one set of zip ties securing her down, but that wasn't the reason she couldn't move them; she assessed her situation to see cuts and bruises all the way down her arms varying in size and colour. Blood was slowly dripping down her lifeless arms, but she knew she wasn't going to bleed out and die anytime soon as the cuts didn't look too deep.
*beep, beep, beep*
The camera began to make noises as if it had started to record, and that's exactly what it had done. The flashlight revealed every ounce of her body as the camera began to zoom in and focus more on her. Ivy knew this was her only chance to escape so she chose to use every little bit of energy she had left to scream and shout at the top of her lungs, she knew someone would most likely attack her again after but she didn't care it was her only way out. After screaming for around 2 minutes her eyes were bloodshot red from the tears which were flowing like an endless river, it wasn't long after she stopped screaming when the same man who kidnapped her, walked over to her with a bucket of icy water and threw it over her. She shuddered in shock as the water trickled down from her head to her toes. The cold sensation she was struck with sent a flash of unbearable pain through her small shrivelled up bones as she winced out in pain crying even more.

Intelligence's POV
Hailey and Vanessa were crouched down next to jay with their hands around the back of his chair, Adam and Kevin were standing either side of Kim who was stood directly behind of jay. Voight was stood next to hailey and Trudy was stood next to Vanessa. Only in bad circumstances were they ever stood so closely packed together...
Jay knew they couldn't put it off any longer so he pressed the link.
Ivy (through the screen): *inaudible screams* "HELP ME!!"
The whole intelligence team watched in utter disgust as they watched ivy screaming out in pain with no way of helping her yet. The bruises and cuts all over her body were evident that they had to find her soon as this killer had only just begun.
Kim: "I can't watch any longer sarge" and with that she left to go to the bathroom, Trudy followed suit.
Hailey covered her mouth in shock as she was watching a live torture of someone she had recently had a conversation with earlier that day. Jay began to squirm in his seat as he couldn't bare to watch his little crush being tortured, but he knew he couldn't look away in case he missed something. Sargent voight noticed jay squirm and wriggle around which he never seemed to do with a confrontation like this. He furrowed his eyes and went to tell jay to click off the link as he knew they all had enough, until a man entered the cameras view with a large bucket in his hands.
Jay: "hey hey hey look that must be him" he eagerly jumped up from his seat not caring if the team had already noticed or not.
The man who they suspected to be wolverine threw a bucket of icy water across Ivys vulnerable state of a body, the sets of eyes stood around the computer widened in horror as Ivy winced out in pain. Ivy let out one last scream and a frightened look dead into the camera before the live footage had cut off...

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