I was trying to help!

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Jays POV
He was horrified, he felt guilty, even though he couldn't control this he felt the need to blame himself. Ivy was gone in some broken down warehouse being tortured and he was sat at his desk safe. He got up to go to the break room when hailey and voight followed him as they noticed he was acting really strange. Both of them stood staring at jay with confused looks on their faces, they hadn't seen him act this way since Erin left without saying goodbye; jay turned around glassy eyed and began to explain himself leaving out the part he was in love with Ivy. He told voight and hailey how he knew something was wrong with Ivy before she left the crime scene but he didn't say anything. No matter how many times they assured him it wasn't his fault he didn't believe them, even haileys touch which always calmed him down had no effect on him. Their little moment was interrupted when Adam walked in saying they had a lead.

Ivys POV
The camera had turned off and the flash light was no longer shining so she knew the footage had cut out. Her only chance to escape was over, she has no way out, she was shivering and paralysed in fear. The same man walked back in, "that was quite the show!" He sarcastically applauded, "detective pretty boy must have loved seeing that" he teased her one last time before she slowly raised her head and spat onto his shoes. That was enough to tip him over the edge and he shot a punch to her head, "that all you got?" She taunted him knowing she couldn't let on he was breaking her. He smirked, "maybe you should keep your mouth shut", he retaliated back before throwing his foot to her chest which spiralled her backwards knocking her slightly nauseous. Before she could have another say he taped over her mouth, "maybe this'll learn to shut you up huh?" She flinched at his hands approached her mouth trying to avoid the tape but she couldn't fight him, he was stronger and taller. "Why'd you talk? Tell them I left the body?" He interrogated her, "why'd you approach me?" He tormented her. She was trying to answer back and give him the truth so he could let her go but she couldn't push and words past the tape. He scoffed at her poor attempts before ripping off the tape, "I was trying to help!", "help huh? Well look where that got you, where that got me!" He snapped back one last time before grabbing the back of her chair and dragging it, with her still sat lifeless on it, before slushing it back upright into a room full of bright lights.

Intelligence's POV
Adam was telling the team how wolverine, who they found out to be called Lukas, owned four abandoned warehouse's which surrounded the city. Two located near navy pier and the other two hidden in downtown Chicago. They knew they had to search each one before finding Ivy, they were her last hopes of survival. "Uh sarge we also found out his recent killings ended up with a dunking of the bodies into the pier" Adam unwillingly added. "ALRIGHT SUIT UP WE'LL START WITH THE FIRST WAREHOUSE DOWNTOWN!" Voight barked the order at them. Each of them taken aback by how affected by the case he seemed, apart from jay, he seemed out of it, as if his mind was on Ivy and Ivy only.

Ivys POV
All she could see was bright lights, her eyes strained trying to get a good view of where she was. She knew she was chained up onto a wall and all the body weight, the little body weight she had left after becoming so malnourished, was hanging below her shoulder sockets. The man hadn't left her side, not since she tried to warn the *pretty boy* so they kept calling jay. She was so scared to look at them but she knew she needed to put in a brave face if wanted to get out. Her mind flashed between her parents, skylar, Chicago, jay, skylar, her apartment then back to jay. The man knew she was upto something so the got up and walked over to her, "what you thinking about you little brat? Is it detective pretty boy?" He teased, "you're gonna have to break me before I tell you anything about me" she threatened, she knew how stupid she was ganging up on a man twice if not triple her size but she had taken enough from him. "How about we call him for you? Maybe you can say your goodbye's?" He asked although she knew it wasn't in her favour. He left the room before coming back in with the camera and another man with an even more muscular in frame than himself. The second man made his way to a nearby table to pick up an AK47 before walking behind her out of her view. The original man who she still didn't know the name of, set up the camera before pressing a few buttons.
*beep, beep, beep*
The camera sounded and the flashlight from before shone even brighter on her revealing any concealed cuts and lacerations on her chest and stomach since her top was now practically see through from the water. She knew she was live again and she knew jay would be watching her just like the first time. The second man who had held of the AK47 walked closer to her grunting as a sign of annoyance, she let a few tears escape before breaking out into sobs which she though the whole of Chicago could hear. His gun was now securely pressed up against her temple as a threat. Her sobs changed to more of a painful murmur as her hands were struggling to hold body weight.

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