No pretty boy here now

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Ivys POV
It was dark, really dark and she was walking home alone; Of course she didn't mind it after all she only had herself. She felt uneasy but not like the uneasy she felt this morning, like eyes were watching her every move kind of uneasy. She shook it off as she picked up her pace, breaking out in a jog like stride she was panting hard. Not only did she have a pounding headache from her fall, she was fatigued from the days events, it wasn't too long till she reached her apartment complex and she barged through the door heading straight for the elevators. Slamming her fingers into the number 3 button, which was her apartments floor, the doors dinged and closed. She was confused because she felt someone following her the whole way home but yet there was no one in sight. By now it was 21:30 pm and she had crashed on her couch with a bowl of chips; she remembered jay, the cute detective from earlier, had given her his card. Pulling the card and her phone from her pocket she messaged his number, of course he replied straight away. She chatted with him for a while asking how they were getting on before breaking up the conversation by saying she should get some sleep and leave them to it.
*knock knock knock*
Hesitantly she edged her way off the couch and too her door, before opening the latch she peeped through the peep hole to see who was there. To her surprise there was no one there at all, not a movement in sight. Curious as to who was messing with her she opened the door and hissed in an annoyed tone, "LOOK! I don't know who's there but can you please leave me alone!". Silence. Her hairs stood up straight on the back of her neck as she turned to close her door, a grown man growled down her ear, "you should've left me alone when you had the chance". And with that being the last thing she heard she dropped to the floor in fear. Scrambling backwards trying to grab a stiletto heel to defend herself with, she swung at him, still on the floor scooting backwards and cornering herself deeper into the corner. Tears forming in the corner of her eye she looked the man dead in the eye, only to realise it was the same man she encountered earlier that morning. "No pretty boy to protect you now is there..." the man, who was still wearing the same black tracksuit set as before, snarled at her before hitting a crow bar across her head. With that being enough to knock her out, she slumped into the corner releasing the stiletto heel from her grip... fighting to keep her eyes open she fluttered them vigorously but it was no use, her eye sight became nothing more than blackness. She was out...

Jays POV
They team and jay were on their way to Ivys apartment complex, he decided to try her cell again but without much surprise she didn't answer and it shut off to voice mail. Jay had only met Ivy once but he felt like he'd known her for a life time, his palms had became sweaty and his leg bounced up and down in the passenger seat. Hailey noticed jay seemed off, without questioning him she placed her hand on his leg to calm him down, like she always did she reassured him that they'd find her in no time. Jay and hailey had a partnership like no other so he soothed slight into his seat at Haileys concerned touch. As the tires screeched and came to a holt, jay hopped out the car, gun in hand, before hailey even had time to park the car. The team, Sargent voight in the front, headed towards the entrance and stormed upstairs to the third floor, Ivys door was the last door on the right so they decided to split up and secure each exit so the concerns of the neighbours wouldn't be raised. Both jay and voight noticed Ivys door was already open and slightly ajar, without question jay took the lead and grabbed his handgun from his leg strap before pushing her door open. "CHICAGO PD!!" Jay hollered in an aggressive tone as he cleared the living area allowing Kim and Adam to check the other rooms.
Kim: "hey sarge? You might wanna take a look at this..."
Both jay and voight shot a look in each other's direction before giving each other the this can't be good stare. Both of them joined Kim, Adam and Atwater in the bedroom as hailey and Vanessa looked for any signs of struggle in the dining area.
Sarge: "yeah what is it?"
Kim: "a note was left here, specifically labelled for jay"
Sarge: "alright jay, open it"
Jay: "okay give it here"
Jay grabbed the envelope that read *this ones for detective pretty boy, halstead*. Jay could feel his body tense up at the thought of some random old man taking Ivy. The letter read...
Dear detective pretty boy,
If you want any chance at getting this little brat back you might wanna start by looking in her last snack.
-Yours sincerely wolverine-
Jay: "he said to look in her last snack if we want her back"
That's when there was a knock at the door, Vanessa walks in holding a bowl of chips with a picture in her other hand
Vanessa: "uhh hey sarge I don't know if this is anything, we found this picture of Ivy and another girl her age with a note on the back."
Sarge: "roll crime lab down here now, I want any prints sent off, any evidence bagged up straight away"

*another long chapter again :)*

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