And so it begins

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Jays POV
He felt Ivys head crash down onto his chest, he went to open his mouth until he saw the reflection in the TV; she was asleep. He smiled realising he had helped her through her first obstacle, gently brushing her hair out of her face with his fingers he sat there for a few moments to let her drift off into her well deserved beauty sleep. He picked up the nearest phone he could find without waking her to check the time, it was Ivys phone, he clicked the home button to bring up the lock screen but as he did he saw a picture was ivy and skylar sitting on a horse on a merry go round at navy pier. He gulped the emotions down as he realises the two girls had something really special even though she had just left ivy to fend for herself. He realised he had shut the phone down before checking the time, he quickly checked again to see 02:32 am branded across the top of the screen. Astounded at how long they had been sat there talking and watching Harry Potter, he sweeped ivy into a bridal position before Carrying her to her own bed in her room next to his. He ran to the bathroom to wet a cloth with warm water before returning back to wipe the tear stains from her cheeks and eyes. He tucked her in and switched off the light after plugging her phone back on charge, before he left he stopped at the door and smiled before closing her door and leaving to hit the pillow himself.

Ivys POV
She woke up in fear as she realised it was only a nightmare - her first flashback, and so it begins, she was confused as to how she ended up in her bed when the last thing she remembered was falling asleep on the couch in jays arms. She remembered the balcony was in the living area and she needed some fresh air since she was having night sweats due to seeing the face of the men she was tortured by, so she quietly got up and pushed open the door of her room ever so slightly so the creaking didn't wake jay up , and made her way into the living area. Grabbing a bottle or water from the coffee table she made her way over to the balcony door before slowly pushing down the handle and stepping out onto the concrete.

General POV
Ivy was now stood outside on the balcony, she peacefully watched the nightlife hussle and bustle below whilst listening to the gentle splashes of water coming from the river. However she hadn't been as quite as she thought. Jay woke up groggily to the sound of a door opening and closing. Reaching for his gun from the bedside table he checked the time, 04:15 am, before making his way to the door. Taking in a deep breathe before opening his bedroom door, he silently opened it in hopes to see no one there and that he imagined the noises in his sleep or something. Ivy was still stood in the same position on the balcony as she was 5 minutes ago but by now she had a tear rolling down her check; she couldn't help but think she was going to be reliving that night over and over again until the day she died. Jay made his was out into the main living area with his gun pointed out in front of him, lowering his gun straight away when he saw ivy stood on the balcony with a bottle of water. He let out the biggest sigh and placed the gun on desk where the lamp was. He stopped for a minute before joining ivy on the balcony as he watched her hair move with the breeze. Hearing the door open ivy fixed her posture and she sniffled, jay stood next to her but he turned his back on the city and looked ivy dead in the eye before noticing the tear which had escaped her eye. Reaching out with his warm hand, he wiped the tear off her cheek. "First flashback?" He asked ivy already knowing her answer. "Um yeah... yeah, how'd you know?" She confirmed, he turned his body back to the city to face the same way as ivy, he draped his arms over the railing to match ivys body language and took a hold of Ivys hand to let her know he was there. "I was in the rangers quite a few years back, took one tour in Afghanistan before realising I couldn't do it anymore. The nightmares and flashbacks were all too much to handle, so I left to join the police academy and now I'm here stood with you" ivy stayed silent she didn't say a word, she just rested her head on his shoulder accepting the reassurance he gave her. "The first flashback is always the worst, it gets better I promise, you learn to deal with it in your own way and you can push them away most nights" he continued. She just stood there in awe as she felt so lucky to have someone who understood what she was going through. They both smiled and took in the view for a second, "how about we go back inside where it's warm and get you back to bed?" Jay suggested. "Yeah sounds good" she yawned back. They both walked back into the apartment and jay retrieved his gun from the desk, ivy shot him a concerned look as to why he fetched out a gun before he could answer, "I heard the door and I thought we were being robbed" he shrugged. They both scoffed at how much he overreacted and walked back the the end of the hall towards the bed rooms, "goodnight ivy" he yawned, "night jay" she sighed and crashed back down onto her bed not caring wether it caused her pain or not. 2 minutes later and she was asleep along with jay who was snoring in the other room.

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