I got you, I got you

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Ivys POV
As she had already been let out the cage, after being stabbed in the leg and being hit with a wooden bat over her head, she didn't have to worry about escaping; the men had vanished into thin air as they left out a back door somewhere behind her. She could hear car doors slamming and people speaking outside, she heard a door being kicked in downstairs, "CHICAGO PD!" She recognised that voice, she may have only met jay once but she knew his voice, it was him he was here to help her. Knowing that most warehouses have complex layouts, with the last bit of energy she had conserved, she grabbed the metal pole that the men had so kindly left in her reaching distance and began banging against the metal frame that supported the whole building. Creating a clanging sound through the whole warehouse she heard two women, "UPSTAIRS JAY!" Both of them informed him in perfect harmony before loud footsteps could be heard making their way upstairs becoming clearer and clearer. Her eye sight was hazy and blurry but she could make out jays figure that was speeding towards her, with a tear of relief coming from her eye she immediately dropped the metal pole to the ground as it bounced two or three times before landing flat next to her; he really found her. Eventually, jay had made it to her and he put away his gun, he slid to the ground and hoisted her up onto his lap where he called in an ambulance to their location as he scanned her body which was covered in cuts, bruises and blood. "Hey hey hey, don't move I got you, I got you!" He reassured her as he tired to get her to stay as still as he possible could. She didn't know the extent of her injuries but she didn't care, she was safe in his arms and that's all she needed to know.

Jays POV
The team had made their way into the warehouse but it was silent until there was a loud clanging of metal coming from upstairs, "UPSTAIRS JAY!" Kim and Vanessa nodded for him to go up with their back up. He made it halfway up the stairs to the point where his head was poking over the railing, there she was, laying on the floor, shivering and banging a metal pole. She hadn't seen his yet as she was still fighting for her life, she guides them to her. He put his gun away as his face turned pale, he looked at her small body laying there helpless on the floor. He couldn't help but think she was going to die in his arms right there on the floor. He called in an ambulance as he searched her body for and cuts that would allow her to bled out but there wasn't any, her body however was full of cuts, bruises and blood. "Hey hey hey. Don't move I got you, I got you!" He whispered to her trying to secure her so she couldn't injure herself. He couldn't help the tears forming in the corner of his eye as he and ivy interlocked eyesight and they were staring into each other souls, a broken body may lay in his arms but he could see the fight in her and he knew she would pull through. He could see her eyes slowly shutting, "hey no no no ivy stay awake for me okay? You gotta keep your eyes open for a little while longer" he said more as an order than a suggestion.

Intelligence's POV
The team knew jay, Kim and Vanessa were upstairs with ivy but they had no trace of where the men had gone, all they knew was wolverine was really lukas - no last name just lukas. Sirens could be heard in the distance and jay could be heard from any point in the building shouting for ivy to keep her eyes open. It broke their hearts to see jay finally feeling some sort of comfort in someone since Erin left but they felt useless as all they could do was watch as ivy slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

Ivys POV
"Hey no no no stay awake for me okay? You've gotta keep your eyes open for a little while longer" she heard jay shout and order to her, she felt guilty for wanting to rest but she was afraid it wasn't going to be just a rest. Her eyes became heavier and heavier, with every blink becoming more of a permanent closure she drifted off into a deep sleep.

General POV
Ambulance 61 arrived on scene and they rushed into the warehouse before flying upstairs with their med kits in hand. Brett could see jay and ivy on the floor so she took over from jay and secured her neck with a neck brace before slipping her onto a back board. "Jay you can ride in the ambo, the unit will meet you at med" foster finally gave word to him. Jay didn't plan on leaving Ivys side after he had just fought so hard to get her back. She was safe.

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