Hang in there Ivy!

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Intelligence's POV
As they finally reached the first warehouse, they were all ready to get out when they looked back to the computer screen to see the muscular man clock ivy around the head with the riffle gun. Their hearts all aches because they couldn't do anything to help her, jay was distraught at the though of losing another love. Seeing her body dangling there lifeless they were all caught off guard, until the camera shut off again. Voight closed down the link and ordered them to all get out and grab their guns from the cases. They had a funny feeling deep down they were in the warehouse the furthest away from ivy but they needed to be sure. They did a primary search and none of the rooms looked similar in lay out to where ivy was on camera, without even bothering to look up stairs in the attic they left knowing she wasn't in a complete dark room. They had the wrong place.

Jays POV
Before they could run out of the building and back to the van he felt the whole squads eyes revert back to him as they knew he felt more than just sympathy towards ivy, usually he would bite back and defend his feelings but he was so focused on getting ivy back he just let them assume whatever they wanted to assume. As soon as they got back in the car another live footage link popped up on jays screen, he got voights attention by clicking the link straight away, the subject read...
*wrong warehouse pretty boy :)*
Jay: "Hang in there Ivy!" He muttered to himself as he knew exactly what was coming for the third time.
The live footage popped up on their screen this time they could see nothing but black and a light reflection bouncing off of a cage...

Ivys POV
She woke up once more with regret as she wished she hadn't woke up, her whole body was experiencing excruciating pain from head to toe every inch of skin was battered and bruised. She was in bad shape but she could pull through. She tried to get up as she realised she was no longer tied up but it was no use, she felt trapped like she was stuck in a tiny box. And she was she was locked in a small metal dog cage, surrounded by big black empty nothing. She could see the camera pointed towards her once again with a smaller light casted onto her, it wasn't enough light that she could check where the men were but it was a light big enough so her viewers could see her. She had tear stains down her cheeks and her hair was a bushy mess, her face was barely recognisable from the blood seeping from her wounds but she still had those ocean blue eyes which would always tell anyone who knew her, it was Ivy Kate. She tossed and turned in the cage for around a minute until she was on her knees facing the camera. She knew should couldn't talk because last time she tried that she was punished but she knew if she whispered she could maybe tell them what she could hear to help them find her, but she had to try something if she wanted to live.

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