Uh the yellow kind?

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General POV
They had been out for around an hour looking around the fresh markets buying things to stock up jays cupboards with. Ivy had bought the essentials like bread, fruits, carbs, things you could actually make a meal out of; jay on the other hand bought the goodies, biscuits, sweets, cookies, things you'd expect a 6 year old to beg for.

Jays POV
He watched ivy out of his view the whole time making sure she stayed in sight where he could see her. He couldn't help make sure she was safe. "What about cheese jay? Which cheese do you like" she randomly blurred out. "Uh the yellow kind?" He seriously didn't know the types of cheese. "I'll just take that as cheddar" she scoffed at his lack of cheese knowledge. He loved how she found the littlest things funny, it reminded him of a big child. "Hey ivy, wills should be coming over tonight. Just to warn you." He said inching his way towards ivy with the beer crate in his hand. "Yeah sure thing, I'll cook lasagne" he really had hit the jackpot at finding her.

General POV
They had been out shopping for around two hours, they both headed back to jays SUV with bags in their hands. Both of them nearly collapsing to the ground since they were so heavy. They placed them down on the ground before jay opened the trunk and put them inside in order of least to most fragile. He noticed ivy clutch her side in pain, jumping to her aid he grabbed her arm and stabilised her before leaning her against the car door to check her out. "Hey hey, what hurts?" He whispered. "Um just my ribs, I'll be fine don't worry jay" she patted his should before flashing him a smile. "I got eyes ivy, I'll get will to check you out later, and no refusing. Detectives order" he couldn't stay serious if he tried. It was 14:00 pm and they had just gotten back to jays apartment, his phone pinged the second he put the bags on the floor by the fridge.

*sorry for the completely random chapter, I tried to keep it relevant by including Ivys injuries but I just had to include a chapter remind you all how goofy jay is*

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