Swedish Short-snout

Start from the beginning

"Hungarian Horntail, the deadliest." Fudge said, not even a hint of worry crossing his pale face. 

"Well ill leave you all to it." Fudge said moving the other judges out. 

"Harry, we need to talk to Fudge. Were switching dragons." I said, there was no way in hell I would allow Harry to go out there and battle a Horntail. Not in a million years.

"Arabella, we cant switch them. Its too late." Harry said, swallowing hard.

"Harry, I am not letting you battle that dragon." I said once again. 

"Bella, we both got the hardest dragons. Either way were both in the infirmary. Let me battle this one that way if I fail its just because of my age, if you fail- you would never hear the end of it."

"Thanks for having faith in me Potter. Real sweet." I said sarcastically, lightening the mood a little. 

Before not too long the announcer called Krum out. He was gone for a while before cheers erupted from the crowd. 

"Fleur Delacour!" The announcer shouted. Fleur walked up to the flap of the tent, wand in hand. She took one look back at me and smiled. With a deep breath, she walked out of the tent and into the arena. 

After a few moments and many gasps, the crowd yet again erupted with cheers. 

"Arabella Dupont!" The announcer screamed. I looked to Harry, and nodded. 

"You got this. If I don't make it tell Fred I love him." I said to Harry before standing. Harry lept up and hugged me. 

"You'll survive. I know you will." Harry said, letting go of the hug. I never realized until now how great Harry's hugs were. He hugs you like its the last time hes ever going to see you, which very well could be now. 

"You will too. Prove everyone wrong out there Potter." I said 

I walked through the flap of the tent shooting a thumbs up to Harry. The sun was hot on the rocks surrounding the arena. My heart was pounding out of my chest at this point, I thought I might throw up. 

The Short-snout was massive, a huge silverly monster peering down on me. She sat on a perch, staring into my soul. The golden egg was underneath her, I just had to remember my plan. I looked to where the dragon was sitting, I found and rock and thought to myself.


"Why isnt she doing anything? She has to do something. George, what is she doing" Fred said to his brother. 

"Freddie, mate, relax. Dupont is a very intelligent girl, she'll be fine." George said, in a not so certain voice. 

"Right, right." Fred said. 


"Okay Bella, you can do this." I took a deep breath and shot the transfiguration spell at the rock closest to the dragon. I filled my mind with thoughts of sparrows, and birds, a whole flock of them. Suddenly, the rock turned into a flock of sparrows, hundreds of them. More than I would have expected to shoot out of that tiny pebble. 

The dragon began swatting at the birds, but it wasnt enough. She followed them for a mere minute until her eyes caught me. She whipped around and shot fire at me. I jumped behind a rock, waiting for the heat to cease. 

"Think Bella, think. More birds. More. How?" I thought to myself, I transfigured the rock into a flock, how could i make more? 

"Merlins beard, Avis. How could I not remember?" I said, slowly standing to meet the dragon. 

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