. interruption

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chapter 1

I flashed a smile at the cashier and walked out of the convenience store, on my way home.

I started humming to get rid of the midnight silence, and continued on my way home, swinging the plastic bag filled of junk food.

I walked pass an alleyway, but then took a few steps back when I heard a scream.

Curiosity took over my naive self, and I decided to take a peek.

What I saw was terrible, so bad that I swallowed.

"D-did they murder s-someone..?" I thought to myself when I saw nine boys standing in front of a man who had a knife stuck in his chest.

I was stunned.

I didn't think that I'd actually witness a murder.

I was sweating in fear, making my fingers slippery. I held onto the plastic bag tightly so that I wouldn't drop it.

I shook my head, feeling overwhelmed at the sight. I took a step back, ready to run away when suddenly, I stepped on a torn plastic bag, making the nine boys turn their heads.

"Hey, you!" One of them yelled, starting to run towards me.

I panicked and started to run, adrenaline rising at high speed.

Imagine running for your life when your knee was hurting, that'd hurt like hell, but it didn't matter. I was being chased down by some guy that could kill me.

I stopped running when I felt like my heart was about to explode, but then continued when I saw those nine guys catching up.

Eventually, I made it back home.

I made sure to lock all the doors, turn off all the lights, shut the windows, and cover them with curtains.

My neighbours probably would've thought that I was going crazy because of how abandoned my house looked, but they weren't there to think.

They were on vacation while the teenager I was stayed home, munching on popcorn all night while binge watching "Flower Of Evil".

With a beating heart, I ran into my room and locked the door, hurrying to hide myself under the covers.

I sighed and looked under my bed, pulling out a box.

I sat up and pulled out a little diary, grabbing a pen from my bedside table.

Hurriedly, I wrote a small note on the cover of the diary for whoever was gonna read it next.

" To whoever's reading this ,

i'm probably dead, or maybe locked in a basement. i accidentally interrupted nine murderers killing this man, and they started chasing me. i don't care who's reading, but i'm probably dead. that's all i have to say, i need to fall asleep and wake up from this nightmare. so, goodnight, world.

From, Y/n . "

I put the diary back in the box and slid it under my bed.

I laid my head on top of the pillow and closed my tired eyes. It had been a long day for me.

I sighed and pulled my blanket closer to me, ready to fall asleep.

I must've been deaf, though.

I couldn't hear the door getting unlocked.

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