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What mum told me did not scare me away from Lilian, mostly because i didn't let her tell me. I stopped her before she even got two words out.

I could see she was petrified for what my mum wanted to talk to me about.

By the time i came back out to the front of the shop Lilian was gone. I tried to see if i could go out to the front and see her walking down the busy roads but i didn't catch a glimpse.

"Woah man, why so glum?" Oscar stopped me as i turned to walk down the hallway to my room.

"Hi Masie" i waved slightly as i saw Oscar cuddled with his girlfriend watching some random show.

The boys liked to invite their girlfriends around and claim the front room. It was kind of like in school when you had to claim a seat in assembly to be able to sit there.

"Hi River" She smiled at me as she shifted in Oscar's hold "Why do you look so glum?"

"Oscar, you know i told you about Lilian?" I asked and he tilted his head.

"I wouldn't say told me about her, i'd say you mentioned her" He replied and Masie glared at him "Yes, i do mate"

"Well it was Lilian Hannah"

"Holy shit, like the actual Lilian Hannah?" Masie gasped as she sat up in front of Oscar and suddenly became invested in my story.

"Yeah, i didn't realise. Mum told me" I said as i sat on the sofa slowly. Sure i was probably ruining their couple time together but me and Masie were close.

I liked to tell her about my problems and she liked to tell me about her witchcraft, a win win situation if you ask me.

"Thing is, i didn't let her tell me the story, but when mum let me back into the front of the shop she was gone" I sighed "Absolutely fuckin' disappeared"

"River, i'm so sorry" Maise frowned as she placed a soft hand on my arm.

"Why don't you just call her?" Oscar spoke as he came closer to be involved in the conversation.

"She doesn't have a phone, i have no way of contacting her" I mumbled as i put my head in my hands.

"Oscar said you met up with her yesterday, how did you meet her then?" Masie asked as she dropped her hand from my arm.

I don't exactly know what she's getting at here but from what i can gather she has a good idea, i could hang out on the green again and see if she shows up.

Sure, i know she isn't telepathic and won't be able to know i'm going there but it's better than me staying home and sulking in my bed.

Before Masie and Oscar could stop me, i wondered back onto the Manchester streets and made my way back to the green.

It was quite empty and rather scary to me as the sun was setting so i wondered my way to the lone traintrack that was separated from the main train tracks.

There was only a few lights aluminating the tracks and as i approached i could see a figure stood on the tracks.

You could hear the train approaching in the distance, not close enough to worry but it was still approaching.

I wondered closer to the track, my nosiness made me wonder who was on this track, i may have to save a life if they didn't move soon.

"Lilian?" I spoke as i saw her face, tear stained and pale. She looked broken and i couldn't stop thinking that it was my fault.

The train was getting closer, you could hear it. I was scared of the tracks, i didn't wanna get too close.

"Lilian move this is so dangerous!" I yelled over the train. I could see it now.

"I wanna feel something" She yelled back as the lights shone on her body and the wind from the train blew her hair out of her face.

"Lil move! This is so dangerous please" I begged, i could feel my eyes starting to tear up. "Lilian the train is so close"

The train was seconds away from her.

"Lilian!" I yelled over the train.

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