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I had always and will forever hate public transport. It's unnecessarily filthy and disgusting, yes i understand that it's because multiple people ride it on the daily but c'mon, it's like asking for an illness.

The morning bus wasn't merely as horrible as the night one i had to catch, the morning bus was filled with sleep deprived adults that were making their way to work.

While the night one was filled with a range of drunks on their way home from the night out and reckless kids sat at the back being the most unrespectful people you would ever meet.

I hate teenagers.

I was lucky in a sense, my bus journey between the shop and my house were hardly far from each other, i was just too lazy to walk after my long day.

My normal bus always takes a different route on Wednesday's resulting in me getting onto a completely different bus. I didn't mind it very much thought. I got to see new people.

It was the 27th of December meaning the bus was more packed than usual resulting in people standing instead of them sitting next to a random person they've never spoken to.

I kept my eyes forward but my attention was brought in front of me as i watched a brunette give up her seat for a heavily pregnant woman.


I don't know what came over me in that moment, maybe it was the fact that she was utterly gorgeous and i had lacked female attention for a few months or maybe the fact that she was sweet enough to give her seat up so why not offer her the one next to me.

"Excuse me" I said and she swiftly turned away before i could act like i never said anything. Well done dipshit "You can um- sit here if you'd like" I pointed to the empty seat next to me.

"Are you sure? I don't wanna be a burden and get in your way" She replied, i think she was the sweetest person i'd ever met in the minute i've known her.

"Nonsense, sit" i said as i scooted over so i wasn't sat in the middle of the two seats. She was utterly gorgeous and i felt nervous only sitting next to her.

I looked down at her hands where she held a book, open on her designated page with her pointer finger, she had all her fingers painted black apart from the thumb which was a dark red, purple colour. All the nail polish was chipped.

She held a poem book, honey and milk. I'd heard of it before but never actually looked into what it was about or what it entailed apart from poems.

"I'm Lilian" She snapped me out of my thoughts.

"River" I replied as i took where of my earbuds out of my ears so i could hear her, if she was gonna start a conversation that was.

"You look like a River" She replied as she studied my face and proceeded to look me up and down. Normally i would feel uncomfortable but i didn't, i felt something else. Something i couldn't explain.

"Thank you?" I raised my eyebrows and her eyes creased as she chuckled slightly with her head dropped.

"It's not a good thing" She said in all seriousness.

"Why isn't it a good thing" I questioned and she looked back up at me with a straight face.

"You're easy to read" She said and looked past me as the bus came to a stop. "Nice to meet you River"


Before i could say anything she was already off the bus and trudging down the Manchester streets with her tacky boots and ripped tights.

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