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He lived in his own world, his own little day dreams. It's like he was still a child abiding by his mothers rules. He had never really lived.

He was petrified as our feet dangled above the traffic jamed road. His face was paler and his hands shook a little before i took one of them in mine.

Sure i don't hold hands, i don't like affection but he was gonna fall off the bridge if i didn't give him a sense of comfort.

"What happened to you?" I ask as the silence became too overwhelming.

"I'm sorry?" He asked as he looked towards me. We were still holding hands and i hated it.

"Something tragic has happened to everyone atleast once, what's your story?"

"I'm opening up to someone i've known for like two days as we sit basically waiting for death on the edge of a bridge" He said and i stayed staring at him.

"Okay" He huffed "My girlfriend died a year ago. I never got over her and i don't think i ever will. What's your story?"

"Don't have one" Sure what he said was tragic and i felt for him a little, but people are scared of me because of my story. People make it seem like i was involved.

As much as i hate to admit it i like River and i wasn't ready for him to leave just yet. He didn't know who i was and in this town there's only a few of those people.

"Don't have one" I said in a dull tone.

"But you just said-"

"I don't have one" I said more stern and let go of his hand pushing myself up onto my feet.

I walked along the edge of the bridge and i could feel his glare on my back and i walked further and further away.

"You're gonna get yourself killed" He yelled towards me slowly backing away from the edge to stand up.

"What's so bad about that?" I called back "Don't knock it until you try it Riv" I smiled and i watched him contemplate it.

He walked towards the edge again and began slowly walking along the edge towards me, he had his arms out like a bird, he didn't really think that was gonna steady him did he?

I watched him loose his balance and wobble a bit "I'm gonna fall" He called to me and i shook my head.

"Nonsense" I held my arms out "My hands are right here, when you're close enough grab and you're safe"

He was still far away, i must've walked the edge at a rather fast pace, or he was doing it like a child learning to walk.

"C'mon River, you've got it" Something in my voice sounded like a plea as he continued to wobble.

Can you imagine the headlines if he fell.
'Girl pushes innocent man off of a bridge during a manic break' He wasn't going to fall thought. He was right in front of me.

He took a few more steps and reached out for my hands grasping them as tightly as he could.

I guided him along the rest of the bridge until we finally made it to the other side where River collapsed on the floor.

"Why are you laying on the floor?" I said as it started raining lightly.

"You almost killed me Lilian. But i felt so alive" He smiled as the rain became heavier and fell onto his face. He held his hand out "Lay with me"

I grabbed his hand and lowered myself onto the ground next to him and we laid in silence as the rain harshly hit our bodies.

I'm sure he couldn't feel it though, his adrenaline was definitely pumping. I could feel it, it hurt but it was a good hurt.

A hurt i needed.

A hurt i had a strong desire for.

As The World Caves InOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora