" hey y/n you there" warren said in a worriedly tone shaking me.

" huh yeah sorry zoned out" i said blinking rapidly.

" when we see what they want your going to sleep kid" Garnett said. I just nodded because they literally treat me like there kid. I got grounded last time... Who gets grounded in a apocalypse.

"Here they come" warren said

"All right. I'll handle the meet and greet. You two cover me from here" he said.

"Any problems, you hit the ground" warren said.

" and I'll take care of the rest" I said pulling my riffle off my back and aiming it at the guys as Garnett walked to them.

"That's far enough, gentlemen. Identify yourselves and state your business Team of snipers has you covered so no sudden moves" Garnett told them as they're boat came to land a little.

"Lieutenant Mark Hammond. Delta Force. Or least I was when there was still a Delta Force. I'm on a mission from what's left of the government, and I need your help" he said

" What mission? For what government?" Garnett asked him.

"Look, to be honest I don't know if anybody that gave me the order is still alive. I do know it's imperative that I get this person to a medical lab in California. Alive. " Hammond finished.

" listen you go back to the camp and go do your stuff. tomorrow I can already tell I'm gonna need you on watch because Garnett and I are gonna have to leave" she said looking at me before walking to Garnett slowly.

" why do I-"

She gave me this look and I shut up then gave her a two finger salute. I put my Riffle back on my back and walked to the camp. When I came out the woods everyone was mostly sitting by there tents and stuff. I walked straight to mine with out giving anyone a glance. I walked to my tent and with all my stuff next to it. I put my walkie and Riffle downs and went inside my tent. I unstrapped my vest and took it off. I took the shirt I had on off and folded it's done pulled my tank top down because it had risen . I grabbed my knifes and wanted to clean the ones I used today. I got my cloth and got out my tent and sat down on the log near the fire. I was cleaning my pocket knifes when I felt someone sit next to me. I didn't look up immediately but when I did I regretted waiting so long. Addy is sitting next to me.

" Hey Ace" she said with a smile.

I smiled back and gave her a friendly head nod.

" I went to bring you something today but you were gone.." she said picking something off the ground.

"here it's a machete I found on a Z I killed earlier. I thought it was pretty cool and warren told me you liked knifes so I hope you like it" she said handing it to me.

I took it shocked that she actually knew that I wanted one of these. To me I was the camp outcast everyone got along with each other and I couldn't say one word to anyone but Garnett and Warren.

I looked at her then the machete and smiled. I got up as she watched and grabbed my knife sharpener and my old machete in its case. I sat back down next to her. I took my machete out and then threw it near my tent. I sharpened the machete she gave me then put it in my case. It fit perfectly. I smiled at that and so did she. I finally got the courage to say thank you when Mack came walking up to us.

" addy I'm ready to lay down come on"  he said going inside the tent across from mine.

She smiled at him and then looked at me.

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