How we used to be

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"Stop bothering me." Hyunjin mumbled, pushing away the pillow that Suri was using to hit him with. Suri didn't really understand why he was mad at her, and why he was ignoring her for the past few days.

"Come on." a groan could be heard from the girl, causing the guy to roll his eyes, turning to look at her, annoyingly.

"What do you want?" He snapped, causing her to hit him once again with the pillow.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Hyunjin almost again ignored her if it wasn't for the pillow hitting his face. He pulled the pillow away from her, throwing it across the room. She whine, trying to push him off the bed. "Get out of my room then. This is not even your room, leave."

"This is Jeongin's bed, I'm staying in his bed, go back to your bed." Hyunjin wasn't even bothered by Suri's attempt to push him off the bed, too focused on his phone, or she thought that he was. The guy was doing everything in his power to ignore her, not really making any sense, but he was still salty about what happened a few days ago. Suri returned to her bed, causing Hyunjin to think that she really gave up, but not 2 minutes later, his phone was snatched away from his hands, causing him to jump from his place, only for Suri to put her hand in front of her stopping him. "Give me my phone back."

"Tell me why you're mad." He ignored her, walking over to her, causing her to put his phone quickly in her shirt, in her chest area.

"Suri~" He groaned and she smirked, feeling as if she won.

"I dare you to take your phone back now." He sighed, walking away from her back to his bed, sitting down and now it was Suri's turn to think that he gave up. That changed quickly when he jumped back on his feet, sprinting over to her, caring her over his shoulder, upside down, waiting for his phone to fall down from her shirt. "Put me down, Hyunjin."

"Put my phone down, Suri." He mocked her and she groaned, taking his phone out of her shirt, putting it in front of his face. He put her down, safely, after taking his phone from her hand.

"Fine, stay mad as much as you want. Drama bitch." Suri was about to walk out of the room, but he held her hand, pulling her back beside him.

"Don't call me a bitch." He glared at her, causing her to glare back at him.

"But you're a bitch."

"No you're."

"You're childish."

"You kissed Chan."

"You- Wait what?" Suri looked up at the boy, whose angry face turned into a confused one.

"Wait, what did I say?" Hyunjin let go off Suri's hand that he still had a grip on. Suri looked at him weirdly, causing him to panic internally. "What did I say?"

"Is this why you're mad? Because I kissed Chris, like 3 or 4 years ago? Is this why you were ignoring me?" Suri whispered-yelled, startling Hyunjin, who looked anywhere but her.

"Yes, I mean no- I mean, what if its a yes." Hyunjin's hand was going places, almost hitting Suri's face by accident and his own face too.

"What if I kissed Chris before? That was 4 years ago." Suri argued back, but it was like the two of them were talking to walls.

"You kissed Chan, Jeno and Jisung before."

"What does that fucking mean?" The two weren't sure if anyone was home, but they were sure if anyone was, they probably were able to hear them.

"You kissed people before me."

"You kissed people before me too, plus you kissed me before I kissed Jisung."

"That wasn't really a kiss, it was a panicked one and it was rushed, no feelings and-"

"What the hell do you mean no feelings?" Hyunjin was silent again. Suri walked over to the pillow that was forgotten on the floor, walking over to Hyunjin hitting his head with it, cringing as she heard his neck cracking. "Fuck you, Hwang."

"Why are you angry? I'm just stating facts." This time Suri hit his face, causing a very end of the pillow to poke him in the eye. "Ouch."

"Its not my fucking fault you were a coward for years and acted as if you hated me for years, while you actually liked me." Suri hit him once again. This time hitting his stomach, causing him to try to grab the pillow, but in vain.

"I wasn't a coward okay- Well, maybe I was, but that does-"

"Shut up." Suri let go off the pillow as she heard Hyunjin groaning loudly, not sure if she hit him really hard this time, or he was just a drama queen, or maybe because she hit him in his 'No-no area'. Well, of course because he was a drama queen.

"You shouldn't have went that low." He whined, holding his private part as he fell on his bed. "I'm not a coward okay. I'm just- Ugh, I hate when you make me explain things."

"Don't talk to me, for a week. No, for two weeks." Suri left the room, leaving a groaning Hyunjin behind.


"So why again are you mad at Hyunjin?" Seungmin asked, eating his cereal.

"Why are you eating cereal at 8PM?"

"Coming from the same person who eats ice cream for breakfast. Plus, to get your anger out on me." Seungmin moved his empty bowl away as he looked at the girl, who was pouting for the past 30 minutes.

"I don't want to talk to him, ever again. Why did we even make up in the first place?" Seungmin mockingly nodded at her. He heard footsteps coming their way, turning his attention to the door, only to make eye contact with the same boy they were talking about a few seconds ago, but his attention turned to the girl.

"I just downloaded the game's new update." Hyunjin exclaimed excitedly, causing the girl to turn her attention to him, letting out a gasp.

"You're kidding." She got up from her place, running upstairs with him, causing Seungmin to let out a sigh as he watched them disappear from his sight. 

"I fucking hate living in this house."

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