63-Arranged marriage

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" The prince Midoriya is on the way now. In fact he is late and they asked us to prepare a dressing room for him princess Uraraka. Maybe you should get to know him when he gets here." Asui suggested.

" No thanks. Our marriage is less then a month away. There's no way someone can fall in love that fast" Ochako looked out the window of her room.

" I understand. If you will excuse me. I will see myself out princess Uraraka" Asui took the basket after taking out the sheets and left Ochako in her room. Ochako blocked the door again and went back to her bed.

Ochako continued to look out her window as she thought about her forced marriage.

' It's just not fair! This is MY life! I should be able to pick what man I want to marry!..... There's no way they will let me get out of it now... ' Ochako thought of a plan.

She looked at the bedsheets and outside her window.

She changed out of her princess uniform and got into something more casual.

' Usually there are guards right outside but Asui said that they are all at the feast. Sorry Mom and Dad. But this is my life and I decide how to live it' Ochako thought as she grabbed the bed sheets.

She knew if she went out the normal way it would lead to the main hall and she would definitely get spotted. Going through the window is the only option she had.

She tied all the bed sheets together as good as she could. She pushed her bed near the window , trying on one end of the sheets to her bed.

She threw the other end outside the window letting it hit the ground below. She packed a few things into her a bag and she took it with her.

She stepped onto the window frame clutching the sheets. She looked around once more to make sure nobody was around.

' Alright. Let's do this' Ochako thought as she grabbed the sheets. She placed her feet up against the brick wall and slowly made her way down the wall clutching the sheets.

' I'm not quite sure where I'm going to go from here. Probably head into the woods. Shouldn't go to a nearby forest and-

As she was climbing down. She saw something. At the top of the sheets it was starting to tear and Ochako was still about 30 feet in the air.

' Oh no oh no oh no!' Ochako started to climb down even faster but that just made the tear grow eventually snapping sending Ochako to fall down.

She screamed as she fell, time seemed to slow down as she fell to her death.

Luckily she didn't. As she was about to hit the ground something had caught her just in time.

"Huh?" Ochako was confused as to what just happened.

She was still in the air but now in someone's arms now.

She looked up to the person who has caught her and she saw a boy, possibly around her age, maybe just a bit older, with green hair looking at him.

Ochako thought he looked plain but at the same time...Cute.

"Are you alright?" Her hero asked.

"Y-yeah... You can let me down though" Ochako was blushing. She had never had a boy hold her before. In fact she didn't have many friends that were boys. Actually she barely had friends in general.

"Oh s-sorry" The man let go and she stood on the ground.

"It's alright. Thank you for saving me" Ochako looked at her hero.

" It's no problem. But what are you doing climbing out of the castle? Couldn't you have gone a different way?" The man asked.

"...It's complicated. I'm being forced into doing something I don't want to do so I wanted to leave" Ochako explained to the stranger.

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