Chapter 8 || Here I Come

Start from the beginning

I abruptly make a right turn, causing him to fall on top of me. "Lord, do you have no sense of balance!" I growl from under his back. "Get off me, you piece of crap!"


"I'm going to crash the damn car."


How dare he use my own words against me?! Oh, no, I'm not letting that slide. "No," I reply.




"I execrate you."

"What does that mean?"

"Get your ass off my face and I'll tell you."

He gets off me and sits in the passenger. "Seatbelt," I tell him. He puts on his seatbelt, and then looks at me. "It means hate."

"Hm." Is it just me, or does Adrian Black like learning new words? And why can't he just search them up, honestly. Whatever, I'm glad I found a weakness so I can exploit it. Insert evil laugh.


"How come Anna and Blake aren't home?" I question as we walk into his mansion. Damn, he's really rich.

"They don't live here," He answers.

"Do they live together?"


"Aw, that's cute. But they get way too romantic and it makes me want to puke," I rant. "Excuse me, sir, you can't smoke inside!"

"I deserve it. It's been a long day."

"That's like saying you deserve to die!"

I get really uncomfortable when people smoke or drink or do any drugs. I've grown up with my crackass of a father who drinks, smokes and does drugs. I'm surprised he isn't dead yet. And it gets really uncomfortable when I have to go into a bar so I get my dad a drink. The perverted looks everyone gives is horrible.

And most of them are in their mid-thirties and forties which is worse.

"If you don't like it, then you can go to your room."

"You can't parent me like that!" I shout angrily. "You're the one who keeps drugs in your kitchen."

"It was hidden there."

"Who plays with cocaine?!"

"Do you do anything else other than talk?" He takes another drag from his cigarette, blowing out smoke.

"Don't fucking blow that smoke in my face!" I scowl, coughing. "I've been exposed to too much secondhand smoke to last a lifetime!" I'm really about to pull a Rapunzel and hit him in the head with a frying pan.

"Put that shit away!" I hiss, taking my shoe off my foot and throwing it at him.

"It stinks!" He yells, throwing it back at me.

"Not as much your dumb smoke!"

"Fuck you! I'm not going to stop smoking just because you want me to."


"I won't stop, so don't try that with me."


He takes another drag with his cigarette and blows smoke out again. "See, I won't stop."


"Stop saying that."


"Fine!" He yells, putting his cigarette aside while rolling his eyes. Gang leader my ass, his mental strength is too weak for that shit.

"Now tell me why we were being shot at."

"Ava's father."

"He's a mafia dude too?!"

"Yes. How do you not know this?"

"I don't really care."

"Whenever you see a black van, it's most likely mine. No one else uses a black car, because people could shoot at them thinking they're my men. And a white car belongs to Ava's father, Richard Arrow."

I chuckle. "His last name is Arrow?" He ignores me once more. "Hey, can we play a game?"



"One... two... three... four... five... six... seven... eight..." I quickly look for a place to hide as Adrian continues to count. And even if we said the first floor only, this place is huge! I'll definitely find a place to hide.

I look around frantically, and quickly hide behind the kitchen counter just as he reaches ten. "Ready or not, here I fucking go," He starts nonchalantly. I giggle to myself as I hide behind the counter.

Oh, surprise! I found a gun under the sink. Why am I not surprised?

Ten minutes later and Adrian Black taps me on the shoulder. "You found me!" I squeal, holding my hand up for a high five. He doesn't give me a high five. Rude. "Okay, now it's my turn! You hide and I'll go seek." I lean against a wall and close my eyes. "One... two... three... four... five... sixseveneightnine... ten. Ready or not, here I come!"

That's what she said. No.

As I begin to walk around the first floor, peeking behind curtains and all that shit, an anxious feeling starts to rise in my stomach, but I ignore it.

"Adrian, where are youuu?" I sing. I keep looking some more until I find my fingernails digging into my skin. "Adrian..." I don't like this feeling. My legs start to feel like lead, but at the same time they feel too weak to carry me around.

My stomach starts to twist in every which way, and I stop walking, and crouch on the ground, trying to steady myself. My mind begins to spin and I feel like I just ran a marathon.

"Adrian!" I scream, as a sense of panic seizes my body. I see him rushing over to me and he crouches down.

"What's wrong?" I begin to hyperventilate, holding onto his shirt with a death grip.

"I can't breathe... It feels like I'm gonna die... I don't wanna die."

"You're going to be okay. What do you need?"

"I don't know..." I feel like I'm dying. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. Tears being to roll down my cheeks, and my breathing gets worse.

"Shh... it's okay. It's going to be okay." 


a/n: ummm.... i'm not going to say much about this chapter, except for the fact that... hell, i'm so tired. i'm also thirsty (not in a dirty way i swear) so imma go get some water. school starts the day after tmrw... and ugh i hate everything. 

and i also hope you liked reading this chapter. make sure you vote and comment <3 thank you <3

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