Chapter 36

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[Name] felt a huge wave of excitement wash all over her. This was going to be her new home. With all her friends at U.A. She had walked up to the front not knowing exactly what that layout of the building looked like, but that soon washed away as she spotted her fellow classmates.

"Izuku! Uraraka!" She exclaimed with glee. She went over and wrapped them both in a huge hug. They hugged her back.

"Its so good to see you [L/N]!" Uraraka said. "I'm glad to see you too!" This energy coming from her made their hearts warm seeing how happy she looked despite everything that has happened. Everyone soon arrived to the giant dorm building for Class-A and [Name] couldn't help but leap for joy seeing all her friends were able to come and live with her.

"Welcome back everyone," A low and tired voice said as the students all turned their head to see their homeroom teacher approaching them. "You all better listen up, because I'm only going to say this once,"

"I think it has been made fairly clear that you don't understand the rules here at U.A," He spoke, "Most of you have went against these rules and the orders of the police to go back to rescue [L/N] and Bakugo. The rest of you hadn't gone with the ones that went for this rescue operation, but went against telling the authorities or any of the staff members. I should expel those of you who are guilty of this, besides Jiro, Bakugo, Hagakure, and [L/n],"

The class that knew exactly what was going on lowered their heads feeling the shame overcome them as well as the scolding coming from their teacher. Not a single peep came from their mouths.

"Be thankful its not up to me. Now go on and start unpacking your things." Their eyes brightened as they all dashed inside the building. They all gasped and looked around like it was the first time they had ever seen a building this huge.

"Its so big!" Uraraka said as her eyes were wide and she looked about ready to faint. "I can't believe we are going to be living here the rest of our high school years!" Kirishima added while looking at the common room while his eyes shined with excitement.

"Alright, there are three girl rooms and three boys rooms on each floor. Here is the layout so you all can get settled in." Aizawa said as he held a sheet of paper in his hands and set it down for everyone to look at. They all scrambled to look at the layout and where they would be for the next few years.

"Hey Bakugo, guess I'm next to you! Excited?"

"Why would I be excited about that, shitty hair?" He grumbled as Kirishima wrapped an arm around his friends shoulders. [Name] rolled her eyes yet she had a small smile placed upon her lips. As she was able to see the layout of the building, her eyes brightened as she saw her name written right next to Deku's room. She looked up at him and his entire world seemed to shine brighter than a million stars. She was happy she would be near her best friend for the next few years.

[Name] and Deku both walked up to their dorm rooms and saw that both their names were perfectly engraved on a slab of steel to the left of their dorms.

Well, guess I'd better get unpacking.


Everything was complete, after many hours of putting everything up, she was very happy and looked around her entire room. She ran to her bed and flopped onto the bed. She laid in a starfish position and sighed contently. Maybe she could take a quick nap.

A few small knocks came through into her ears drums, letting her know that her classmates where knocking on her door. After a few seconds she got up and lazily walked over to the door. As she opened it, she noticed all her girls classmates were gathered in front of her door.

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