Chapter 62

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"It's coming... the school festival." Aizawa stated. The entire class then erupted in cheers of excitement.

"This is gonna be totally awesome!" "I'm totally siked!" "We gotta think of something cool this year!"

"Hold on Mr. Aizawa," Kirishima jumped up. "Are you sure this is okay?" Denki shushed him. "Don't you ruin this!"

"Think about it though, there are villains everywhere right now." Kirishima added.

"He does have a point Denki." [Name] said. "After All Might being retired from being the symbol of peace makes villains see this as an opportunity to do what they want. Even if Endeavor had been known as now being the number one hero." Your tone changed slightly when you mentioned Endeavor. You never thought you'd see the say when he would be known as number one. But, this is a cruel world. That doesn't mean that there can't be happiness though. Still, it angered her slightly. And she figured Todoroki wasn't too pleased with it either.

"You're right," Aizawa cape in as he zipped his sleeping bag up. "That's a reasonable point, however, there are students here besides those in the hero course. You get the spotlight every year at the sports festival. This is for everyone else. The support course, general studies, and don't forget the business course. This doesn't get as much attention as the sports fest, but its still a yearly even they all look forward to. Your peers are feeling stressed out about the current conditions here in U.A. Especially with the dorm system which had to be adopted because of the hero course."

Kirishima sighed and sat back down. "When you put it like that, it'd be unfair to cancel it."

"Correct. So yeah, its still on, and hopefully everyone will enjoy it. Though unlike festivals in the past, this years will only be open to U.A's students and staff. With a few exceptions." Aizawa walked over to the corner of the room and huddled up into the corner ready for his nap. "You may not have to focus this time, but your class still needs to participate with some original programming. You need to decide what you want to do today." Not even two seconds later, his snores echoed through the classroom. The class's eyes widened.

He's out?!?

Iida came forward with Yayorozu and held a stack of papers in hand.

"All right, as class representative, it is my duty to facilitate the process from here. I promise I will do my very best. Let's start! First, we'll have a quick brainstorming session. If anyone has an idea, please raise your hand!" Before he could ay anything else, hands erupted into the air as many of the class shouted demanding to be the first to be spoken.

"Wow! I wasn't expecting much enthusiasm. Well then, one at a time please!" Iida karate chopped his hand towards the crazy blonde. "Yes, you Kaminari!"

"A maid café! Seriously imagine it!" He said while fantasies filled into his head. "If you imagine it with me in the center of the action ohh yeah! I think we've already got a winner." He smirked to himself.

"Amazed... it is good to serve others." Iida pointed out. Mineta raised his hand with his eyes seeming to bulge from his eye sockets.


"A topless-"

Asui grabbed a rope and quickly tied him up. His body hanging and slightly swaying back and forth.

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