Chapter 48

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Today was the day [Name] would be heading to her work study with Hawks. Kirishima had already had his first day of his work study a few days ago with Amajiki. And they had already gotten on the news! It was amazing to hear that they both had made it and beaten a villain on their first day. Although Amajiki probably had a work study, it was Kirishima's first time and they both did amazing. Especially against a villain that could create sharp blades. Kirishima had mentioned something about the villain injecting something into his body. Which was very very weird.


"Hey Kirishima!! You and Amajiki did so well!!" [Name] came forward and hugged her red headed friend. He blushed so much his face looked to have turned a deeper red then his own hair. She pulled away and they both sat down in the common room.

"So, tell me how it went." She said. He had began to tell her about a villain that had come to attack them but then when he was beat he began to cower and cry which was really confusing to them. He then told her of how he injected himself with something and all of a sudden his quirk had begun to...upgrade. His quirk seemed stronger than before. He told how it took a while but they managed to beat him.

"Wow... I never had a chance to read the entire news report. But thats insane."

"Yeah, I don't understand. How can there be an injection in which you can make your quirk more powerful? It just... doesn't make sense." [Name] said. It was insane to think about. But then again, people in the U.S would make those kinds of things. But they're drugs. Only those are the bad people there, they are trying to stop it and of course its illegal there as much as it is in Japan. Even though everyone knew that people still made drugs and such, it was still strange how there would be these kinds of drugs going around and no one knowing about them until now.

Both of them heard the door open from behind them and revealed Mr. Aizawa with a fluffy friend in his arms. [Name] gasped and bear burst into tears as she looked at the fluffy bundle of joy in his arms.

"[D/N]!!!" She shouted with joy. The placed the puppy down and the puppy ran straight towards its joyful owner. The puppy leaped up and knocked [Name] down. She laughed at the dog licking her.

"[D/N]! Stop! Don't lick me!" She giggled. She sat up as the dog then laid on the ground next to her. She wiped away a stranded tear and looked up at her teacher.

"Where did you find them?" She asked.

"Someone found the dog wondering the streets near your house. Although it was fairly far away. When we discovered the collar on its neck and had [L/N] on it, we then took them and cared for them and I came here and brought them here back to you." Aizawa explained.

Kirishima kneeled down next to her and pet the fluffy little dog and it closed its eyes in happiness.

"Hello [D/N]," He said in a cute voice, "Your a very good puppy!" He said as he took its cheeks and rubbed them playfully.

"Your a good dog! Yes you are! Yes you are! Yes you are!" He chuckled. [D/N] then rolled on its back and Kirishima rubbed its belly as well.

"Is it okay for me to keep them here?" [Name] asked looking up at Aizawa.

"If I wasn't okay with it, I wouldn't have brought them here." He stated plainly.

[Name] was happy though that Aizawa was okay with [D/N] staying here. Plus, it wouldn't have a home to go to. It would stay in the shelter alone. And she didn't want that for her puppy. It was just too precious.

"Thank you, Mr. Aizawa." She smiled up at her teacher. He nodded and bit her a good day and left [Name] and Kirishima alone with the puppy. [Name] then got up and clapped her hands.

"[D/N]! You wanna go and play?" She asked in a baby voice. The dogs ears perked up and it stood back up and wagged its tail.

"Let's go play! Eijiro wanna come?" She asked. He blushed when she called him by his first name, but none the less decided he would come and play with the new playmate he could have around the dorms.

~End of Flashback~


She shook her head from her thoughts and looked over towards her friend who were getting ready to head out to their work study. She grinned and nodded her head as she grabbed her suitcase and walked out with her friends.

Deku, Uraraka, Asui, Kirishima, and [Name] were on their way to their work study.

"Hey [Name], what do you think your work study is going to be like? Ribbit." Asui asked as she walked down the street next to her classmate.

"I'm not really sure, but I know that I'll be patrolling around the city today." She replied.

"Looks like you might be patrolling around the Nighteye agency. Ribbit." She stated. That's Deku's work study. He's going with Mirio to the agency too.

"Maybe I can ask Hawks if I can go and stop by it say hi to Izuku and Mirio. Or if we are patrolling, maybe I'll see him around." She said.

She jogged up next to Izuku and he jumped a little in his spot.

"How do I keep scaring you?" She asked.

"I honestly don't know, I guess I'm just jumpy." He said running his hand through his hair.

"Oh hey by the way Izuku, I'm going to Hawks' agency and I'm patrolling around where you will be for Nighteye's agency. Maybe I could stop by around and say hello to you and Mirio."

"That'd be pretty cool." He responded. She gave him a warm smile that made his cheeks turn pink.

As they kept on walking, they became rather confused. They all had different agencies and they were going in the same direction.

"Uhhh... this is getting a little weird." Kirishima said as he looked at his classmates behind him.

"Yeah, I agree, we all have different agencies." Uraraka stated.

They kept on walking and walked across the road and they kept on getting confused.

"This is weird."

As [Name] walked onto the other side of the road she turned to her right and the others turned to her left. She turned and waved them all a goodbye.

"See you guys later!" They all waved her a goodbye and she continued on her way.


[Name] was admiring the beautiful sky and cherry blossom trees around the city in the mid morning day. The cool spring breeze filled the air as she took in a deep breath and smelled the cherry blossoms. Their petals kept on falling down as she let a few petals fall into her hand.


She walked forward and looked down a dark alleyway that seemed rather unsettling.

"Someone." A voice called down deep in the alleyway. [Name] raised an eyebrow in curiosity but also worry. It almost sounded like a child.

"Help me. Please."

She looked to her sides to find no one around as she decided that she would go through. Someone could be in trouble. Such as a lot child, or maybe they were in trouble.

She continued down and the place became more and more unsettling by the second. She shuddered slightly as she felt goosebumps travel everywhere down her body. Her mind going crazy as her brain was telling her to go the other way and not go any further.

Just as she was about to take another step, she felt a stronger hand clasp over her mouth and cover her mouth with a cloth. She screamed through the cloth. She felt her whole body becoming weak as she felt a sharp pain erupt from a certain place on her neck. She felt her brain going hazy. Her eyes beginning to close. She tried to keep them open, but felt herself slowly fall under whatever it was that was happening to her.

The last thing she remembered was the darkness.

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