Chapter 38

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It was finally time to get ready for the license exam. Everybody was all hyped up and very ready to begin taking their next few steps into becoming a hero.

Everyone was currently outside of the school where they were all beginning to load onto the buses. As they all walked on, [Name] sat down in one of the seats on the bus that was for her class.

Today is the day. The day I get to prove myself to the others that I have what it takes to become a hero. Everything I've worked so hard for has led to this moment. I have to pass. No matter what.

"Is this seat taken?" [Name] looked up and noticed that Kirishima had come up to her pointing down to the seat next to her. She smiled up at him and shook her head. "No, its not." He gave her a grin and sat right next to her. He placed his backpack on his lap as he crossed his arms and looked to his side and watched her looking out the window as the bus began to move away from the school.

"You ready for the exam?" He asked trying to up a conversation. She jumped a little in her seat shaking her head from her thoughts. "Your kinda jumpy today." He joked. She chuckled awkwardly as she rubbed the back of her neck with her hand. "Yeah, I guess I am." She smiled awkwardly. "Nervous?" He asked.

"Is it that obvious?" She asked feeling ashamed of how she could be seen through so easily. "Well, I think everyone would be as nervous. I mean, you are going in for a big test that basically proves if you are qualified enough to become a pro hero. I'm not one for speeches because they suck," He chuckled, [Name] giggled at his silliness. "But, one thing I will say, its not really any different than the sports festival. Actually, there aren't a load of people watching you, just a few people who are just seeing how great you are. In fact, I don't think you need to worry about a thing, you know why?" He asked. She tilted her head to the side and raised an eye brow, wondering what he was going to say, "Why?" She asked.

"Because you are already amazing!" He gave her a closed eye smile. She felt her cheeks heating up. This was such a nice thing to say. She rubbed the back of her neck. "T-Thank you Kirishima. I needed that." She gave him an ear-to-ear grin and he couldn't help but do the same back.

She's so cute when she's nervous. He thought.


They had finally arrived to the exam location, it was a fairly long ride, but it didn't seem to bother anyone. All of Class 1-A and the other buses with the other students came pulling through or began to unload off the buses. [Name] stepped off and let herself stretch happily. When she was done, she looked up at the huge tent-like building that looked like it could be holding a circus. Well, it would be like a circus when everyone is doing their exams.

"This doesn't look like a place that would hold the exams." Denki said as he looked around the place.

"Its temporary," Aizawa stated with his hands in his pockets. "This is to avoid cheating and possible villain attacks, in other words, the locations of the exams are top secret and change every year. They also change the content of the exam itself as well."

As everyone was taking a look around, [Name] noticed a group of students who were approaching her class. One of the students were a girl with fawn colored hair that reached a little ways past her neck and she had very full lips with big light brown eyes. She looked at her, but for some reason, her eyes just gave off this odd aura that made shivers crawl all over [Name]'s spine.

"Oh wow! Its class 1-A from U.A! I just wanted to say, let's go Plus Ultra!" [Name] yelped a little while jumping at the same time looking towards the noise. She found a very tall boy who was bowing so close to the ground that he seemed to have hit his head on the hard ground causing his head to being to bleed.

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