Chapter 61

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"So, do you mind telling us what exactly happened?"

[Name] had yet again had another nightmare. Deku had woken up to her screams and came into her room that nigh and found her crying and shaking like a leaf. Her palms were cold and clammy. But he didn't care, for there were more important matters at hand than to worry about that. After that incident she couldn't sleep. So she stayed up, and was very very tired. But, she pushed herself to keep awake. He had informed Aizawa of the situation and he took immediate action. However, before going to authorities for them to deal with the matter first, he wanted to hear what she had to say and what horrors she had witnessed.

"Well, for starters, the dream didn't seem that bad at first." [Name] said as she was sitting in the teachers lounge with Aizawa and All Might. Their worry had heightened for the girl. She was enduring so much. Nightmares constantly every night and her father being taken away from her. No one her age should have to go through such a thing. And all for the power she possessed. But, nevertheless, she pushed and pushed to do her best with a smile on her face. And they couldn't help but admire her for her bravery and perseverance.

"Tell us anyways." All Might came in, leaning his elbows against his legs while sitting down. He rested his hand upon his chin and watched her figure looking down at the ground.

"When I fell asleep. The dream immediately started. And... I was in some sort of place. But, the ground was flooded with water, and all around it was blue like the sky," She explained. "Then out of nowhere, a mirror appeared in front of me. When I walked up to it, I saw my father, and me, when I was younger. It was a memory. Katsuki and Izuku were in it too."

"Doesn't seem so bad." All Might said with a small smile. Imagining what the memory must have been for her and her friends and family.

"Don't get your hopes up, Toshinori. She wouldn't wake up screaming and being sweaty with something like that." Aizawa mentioned. All Might nodded his head her way so she could continue.

"After that, the memory disappeared. I then heard a noise behind me...and... I saw something. And someone." She explained. Gripping the hem if her uniform in anger of the memory of who she saw.

"What did you see?"

"Hayato Taichi." She stated bluntly. Their eyes widened.

"W-Wait you actually saw Taichi?" All Might asked scooting further off the couch. Aizawa was just as shocked at All Might. How could she see him in her dream? Unless it was his quirk.

"Yes. I saw him. And he was sitting on a loveseat. The furniture was rather odd. Like a Victorian style with it. He also had a record player going. Like those of the old days. Playing a song..."

"What was the song?" Aizawa asked.

"I-I don't know, but it went something like... 'Tiptoe through the window. By the window, that is where I'll be. Come tiptoe through the tulips with me'." She sang the song in tune but couldn't make it sound like that with how disturbing and creepy it sounded.

"I know that song. But, isn't that song known for being really creepy?" Aizawa asked looking at All Might.

"I don't blame them," He rubbed the back of his neck. "Sounds pretty disturbing to me."

"Anyways, continue."

"Well, he started to talk to me. Its like he was... taunting me in a way. I asked him why he had my father. He said its because he wants my quirk. When I refused, a figure appeared behind him, when it did... it-it was me. But, different."

"What do you mean by different?" Aizawa questioned.

"Different as in. My eyes. They were just like his. A bright glowing red color. And my skin was paler than normal. The other me sat next to him and, well, did somethings... and then, with the snap of his fingers, I was in her place. After that... well... I'd rather not say..."

"Why?" She looked up at Aizawa and gave him a look that said 'I really shouldn't say'. This caused his eyes to widen.

"Was he touching you?" He asked. Her lips quivered as she reluctantly replied with a small nod.

"I'm gonna kill that bastard." Aizawa whispered to himself. But no one heard him.

"That f*cking bastard..." All Might said as he gripped his pants in anger. This poor girl had to endure that? Who the hell does this man think he is? Harassing her like that... it was simply unforgivable.

"H-He then grabbed me and threw me down onto the ground. And when I looked back up, he was gone, everything was gone. My lip was bleeding and blood fell onto the ground into the water. And once that happened... the area began to turn red. And when I looked down, instead of there being water... it was blood." She explained with pain in her voice. Thinking back to the horrible nightmare. "I then heard the same song playing even louder than before. T-Then I heard people... screaming and yelling bloody murder. As if they were burning alive. There was also fire everywhere too." She looked up at them with tears on the brink of falling down her now glossy eyes.

"I-I can't get the screams out of my head. It's like it's constantly playing on loop. A-And... I don't know what to do! All I hear is screaming." They fell from her cheeks as she wiped them away and began to sob uncontrollably.

"Hey hey don't cry now." All Might said as he got up and sat next to his student. He then engulfed her in a hug as she cried into his shirt. He rested his chin upon her head. Trying to comfort her the best that he could. Feeling a small lump forming in his throat as he heard her cries. It was almost as if the amount of pain she was feeling was so great, that it was being reflected upon him as well. He could never imagine what she was going through right now. Having her mother die, her father taken away, being hunted for her quirk. It was all so much that no child should have to go through.

"S-Sorry I'm *sniff* ruining your shirt, A-All Might." She said through sobs. He chuckled quietly.

"Its okay. You are much more important than this ol' thing." A small smile made its way to her lips.

She felt safe.

Knowing that people were willing to be there for her. It was more than enough for her. In these times, she just needed a little bit of comfort. A little bit of love in times like these.


A/N: So sorry for this short chapter but I haven't updated this story in a while. I'm working on other stories if you don't mind. Sorry for the long wait but I hope you enjoyed it. (I'll fix any grammar mistakes later)

Stay safe and healthy!

God bless little angels! 😇

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