Chapter 68

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Everyone gasped when they saw the young crystal blue haired girl. She was in a small red overall dress with a white long sleeved shirt underneath. A cute crossbody bag wrapped around her small body.

"Hey guys! I brought a peach for ya!" Mirio exclaimed.

"Hi Eri!" Y/N smiled her way and waved. Eri hesitantly waved back.

Mineta walked forward with a cheeky smile in his face, "Wow, I wonder what you'll look like ten years from now!"

Eri then walked behind Mirio and hid behind his leg.

"Hey, where's Mr. Aizawa?" Mineta asked looking side to side to see where their teacher could possibly be.

"I don't know," Mirio stated, seeming a little confused himself as well. "I'm sure he has a reason. Being a teacher and a pro can be hard."


"Y/N... wanna show Eri around the school with me?" Mirio asked. Y/N nodded her head with a smile.

"I'd be delighted."


After showing Eri around, Y/N and the others had some time left before the concert and decided to attend some games. They all found a game that was like parkour. Bakugo turned his head to face you and smirked.

"Hey Feathers!" He yelled. She averted her gaze over to meet his piercing ruby orbs.

"I challenge you to that obstacle course!" He pointed with an evil grin upon his face. This caused you to smirk.

"Oh you are on Angry Dog!"

The two of you went and stretched a bit up at the beginning. Eri looked over and raised a brow.

"Ummm... Deku?" She asked pulling Deku's orange shirt slightly to get his attention. He noticed this and looked down upon her pink eyes. "What is it Eri?"

"What is Y/N doing with that angry man over there?" She asked. He crouched down to her level on her left side and pointed over to Y/N who was stretching in the distance.

"This is a parkour course in which you would race someone else with many obstacles in the race. Whoever reaches the end wins!" He explained. She nodded her head to herself.

"Okay! Ready class A?" The ref yelled.

"Oh hell yeah!"

"On your marks,"

"Get set,"

"Go!" With that the man blew the whistle and they took off immediately. First was a rock wall which she would have to climb. It didn't take her very long and she leaped over and landed onto the padded mat below her. Next was a set of monkey bars which she raced through easily.

"GO Y/N! YOU CAN DO IT!" The class cheered.

"HEY! WHAT ABOUT ME??" Bakugo questioned angrily as he just finished the monkey bars.

"This is too easy." He laughed.

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch Angry Dog!" She yelled back at him while laughing and jumping over sacks of flour that was at least four and a half feet high.

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