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It was a beautiful day in [Name]'s town, the beautiful sunshine, the cool summer breeze, the rustling of the flowing cherry blossoms. Today seemed so perfect, that nothing could ruin it. She thought maybe today would be a good night to take a walk down the park and enjoy the wonderful natural world.


[Name] was walking through the park listening to the beauty of nature. The rustling trees and the chirping songs of the sweet birds flying in the air like nothing else mattered. As she was walking, her eye caught an unfamiliar opening past the trees and found a dirt trail that looked very vague to the naked eye. But somehow, she managed to sight this unfamiliar trail. Should she follow it? Her heart was telling her to go and explore. And she couldn't help the curiosity boiling in her to see what she could find down that path. So she decided to go through.

She looked to her right and left to see if anyone was watching her. As she saw that it was safe to go ahead, she did so. She walked through the trail, ducking through tree branches and stepping over a few big rocks. She found a small rock cliff that went up a few feet as she stood right underneath it. She found a few open spots in which to climb. She reached her hand out and gripped the small edge and she lifted herself up. She found another to her right and gripped that as well, she placed her footing on another open ledge underneath her and kept climbing like it was a rock wall in a playground.

She finally made it up and noticed more and more cherry blossoms around more than the green leafed trees. She continued to walk down the rocky trail as the path then began to become lined with more and more cherry blossoms. Their petals falled onto the ground like a feather that had fallen from a bird. She was in complete awe at the scenery before her. So much beauty! God has truely blessed this world. Even if the world now seems bad. There is always good. No matter what.

She continued to walk down and found a row of bushes that looked to lead out to something, it looked like there seemed to be no more trees beyond it. What could be beyond the bushes? She walked closer and moved her hands to push away the bushes and she immediately gasped.

What she saw was absolutely beautiful. She saw a big lake that shimmered in the sunlight and the mountains beyond that which looked magnificent in the daylight. The lakes small and gentle waves crashed delicately onto the rocky shore. The sound of the gentle waves filled her ears as she also noticed two golden finches chasing after each other and flying down the lake and across the wide open landscape. This place was truely perfect beyond measure. She took a deep breath and smiled. The air smelled of leaves and dirt. It was perfect. Maybe this could be her other secret spot to pipe down and be herself.

She just wished that maybe she could show her friends this. After all, she did have the weekend off. Wait! That's an idea! Maybe she could invite her friends over here for a fun day! To celebrate all the work they have put into training to be heros at U.A. She went and sat down on a nearby log that was by the shoreline and pulled out her phone.


[Name]: Hey guys!

Mina: Hey [Name]!

Uraraka: Hi!

Momo: Hello!

Izuku: Hai [Name]!

Kirishima: Hi!

Denki: Hola!

[Name]: Hey guys, I was thinking, do you all want to come to the park? Maybe have a bonfire? If you all aren't too busy.

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