Chapter 49

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Time had passed and Deku had arrived to the Nighteye agency and he and Mirio walked out and went on patrol around the area.

"So what should I be learning about right now Lemillion?" Deku asked as he was trying to think of a way in which he could start a conversation and try to get to know as much a possible.

"Well, when patrolling, you alway need to keep your guard up. One thing about patrolling and you find a villain, you'll have your suspicions and so will the villains that are smart. So the best way to catch a villain would be to act as if nothing is wrong and that everything is totally normal." Mirio explained.

Deku took this to thought. It was a weird concept to think about when being approached my a villain, but, he did have a point, if you would act as if nothing is suspicious, then you can catch them easily and not draw too much attention to the villain and on yourself as well.

They walked down along the street until he felt something run into his body. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. He turned his head to find a child. A little girl with crystal blue hair fall down into the ground. His eyes widened as he kneeled down to her level.

"Woah! I'm sorry!" He called out right in front of her. She moved her gentle cherry colored eyes to look at Deku.

"You took a tumble." He said. He began to reach his hand right towards her. Her eyes widened in fear. She let out a small gasp as she backed away slightly.

"A-Are you okay?" He asked, "Can I uhh- help you up?" He then took his hands and tried to lift her. But she was quivering with fear so much, that she looked that she didn't want to be touched. Deku raised an eyebrow.

Why is she trembling?

"You should be more careful," That voice. Her eyes widened slightly. No... This caught the attention of Mirio who was ahead of Deku. They both looked back and noticed a man in a dark green colored coat with a purple fuzzy hood. He wore a mask that made his face look like he had the beak of a bird. The little girl turned her head slightly to face the very person that she had been trying to run away from in the first place.

"We don't want to cause trouble for the heroes." Deku looked up and his eyes widened.

Be careful about to arouse and suspicion. He recalled the pro hero's words from earlier. When he was doing his work study. He remembered the paper that he showed him and who he looked like.

No way! He thought. The man standing right in front of him was the exact same one as before in the paper.

"Forgive my daughter hero. I don't know what to do with her who is playing rough bumping into things." The man pulled off an apologetic smile from behind his mask.

Chisaki... the man the Nighteye is after-! Deku said to himself in complete shock. Almost not noticing Mirio he was working with pulled his hood over his head.

"Whoopsie-daisy looks like that darn mask came off again." Mirio laughed, playing it as if this was totally normal. But Deku knew what he was doing.

"You might wanna think about it getting resized there my friend!" Mirio said as he looked forward towards the masked man.

"I'm so sorry about that. It was our fault too." He played as if nothing was wrong. Deku's eyes widened in realization.

Right I'm an idiot! If I let him see how freaked out I am he'll get suspicious! And that could screw up Nighteye's entire case!

The blonde male came forward to the masked man. "I know that mask. You must be from the Saikai right? You guys are famous around here."

"Yeah, please don't mind the mask," The man said back to Mirio, "It keeps out the filth. By the way, I don't believe I've seen you two in the area before." The blonde boy chuckled acting as though he had no clue what was up with this man. He moved his arm up to rub the back of his neck.

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